Discussion Forum : Political Science Post Independence India
Question - Q. Consider the following :

  1. Co-operative farming 

  2. Land Ceiling 

  3. Tenancy Reforms 

  4. Formation of Self Help Groups

Which of the above were objectives of Land Reforms initiated after Independence? 
A .  1 and 2 only
B .  2 and 3 only
C .  1, 2, 3 and 4
D .  1, 2 and 3 only
Answer: Option D
In simple terms, land reforms mean equitable redistribution of land with the aim of increasing productivity and decreasing poverty. It refers to the redistribution of land from the few who have to the many who are landless or own far too little.
Objectives of land reforms:

  • Redistribution of land across society so that land is not held in the hands of a few people.

  • Land ceiling to disburse surplus land amongst small and marginal farmers.

  • Removal of rural poverty.

  • Abolition of intermediaries.

  • Tenancy reforms.

  • Increasing agricultural productivity.

  • Consolidation of land holdings and prevention of land fragmentation.

  • Developing cooperative farming.

  • To ensure social equality through economic parity.

  • Tribal protection by ensuring their traditional land is not taken over by outsiders.

  • Land reforms were also for non-agricultural purposes like development and manufacturing.

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