Discussion Forum : Separation Of Substances
Question - What are the various methods used to separate insoluble solid particles like dust or soil from a liquid mixture? Explain each one of them. [3 MARKS]
Explanation: 1 Mark each
There are various methods used for separating solid particles from substances. Some of them are:

Sedimentation: The process of separating insoluble substances which are heavier than liquid by allowing them to settle down on their own due to gravity is called sedimentation. The particles which settle down during sedimentation are called sediments.
Decantation follows sedimentation. In this process, the clear upper liquid is poured out from thecontainer without disturbing the sediment.The upper clear liquid is called supernatant.
Filtrationis a process by whichinsoluble solidscan be removed from a liquid by using afilter paper.

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