Polity Misc - 09(Ias > Polity > Polity Assessments ) Questions and Answers

Question 1.

Assertion (a). India has a multi-party system.

Reason (r): the Indian constitution
allows parties to be formed on the basis of region, religion and caste.

  1.     Both a and r are true and r is the correct explanation of a
  2.     Both a and r are true but r is not a correct explanation of a
  3.     A is true but r is false
  4.     A is false but r is true
Answer: Option C. -> A is true but r is false

Question 2.

Who of the following has voting rights

  1.     Any inhabitant of a state
  2.     A resident of a state
  3.     A adult literate citizen of a state
  4.     An adult resident citizen of a state
Answer: Option D. -> An adult resident citizen of a state

Question 3.

the following activities indulged in by a candidate during the election

Giving gifts to voters to induce them
to vote

Appealing for votes on the grounds of
caste or religion

False character assassination of
other candidates

Propagation and glorification of sati

Of the above, the ones that constitute
corrupt practices are

  1.     1, 2 and 4
  2.     2 and 3
  3.     1, 2 and 3
  4.     1 and 3
Answer: Option C. -> 1, 2 and 3

Question 4.

Which of the following does not fall within the purview of the Election

  1.     Election of the Prime Minister
  2.     Recognition of political parties
  3.     Conduct of election of the President
  4.     Assignment of election symbols to political parties
Answer: Option A. -> Election of the Prime Minister

Question 5.

The model code of conduct for political parties and candidates to be followed
during the election is

  1.     Laid down in the constitution of India
  2.     Specified in the representation of the people's act, 1951
  3.     Enjoined by the Supreme Court
  4.     Agreed through a voluntary agreement among the recognised political parties
Answer: Option B. -> Specified in the representation of the people's act, 1951

Question 6.

Which of the following statements about the Election Commission is correct?

  1.     According to a judgment of the Supreme Court, the members of the Election Commission have equal powers with the chief Election Commissioner
  2.     The chief Election Commissioner has overriding authority in the Election Commission
  3.     The members of the Election Commission are appointed by the chief Election Commissioner
  4.     Only those persons who are eligible for appointment as judge of a high court can be appointed as members of the Election Commission or as chief Election Commissioner
Answer: Option A. -> According to a judgment of the Supreme Court, the members of the Election Commission have equal powers with the chief Election Commissioner

Question 7.

The main consideration which prompted the government to convert the Election
Commission into a multimember body was

  1.     To provide relief to the chief Election Commissioner
  2.     To check the unbridled powers of the chief Election Commissioner
  3.     To placate the opposition, which was greatly agitated with the then chief Election Commissioner
  4.     All the above reasons
Answer: Option B. -> To check the unbridled powers of the chief Election Commissioner

Question 8.

In India, the citizens have been given the right to vote on the basis of

  1.     Age
  2.     Education
  3.     Property qualifications
  4.     Duration of stay in the country
Answer: Option A. -> Age

Question 9.

The original constitution fixed the voting age at 21, but the same was reduced to 18 years through an amendment to the constitution carried out in

  1.     1976
  2.     1978
  3.     1981
  4.     1988
Answer: Option D. -> 1988

Question 10.

Which of the following is a predominant feature of the party system in India?

  1.     Some of the political parties in India are largely based on language, religion, caste etc
  2.     There are a large number of regional political parties in India
  3.     There is a close resemblance in the policies and programmes of the various political parties
  4.     All the above
Answer: Option D. -> All the above