Central Government - 09(Ias > Polity > Polity Assessments ) Questions and Answers

Question 1.

Who presides over the meetings of the Council of Ministers?

  1.     The Prime Minister
  2.     The President
  3.     Cabinet secretary
  4.     Different ministers by rotation
Answer: Option A. -> The Prime Minister

Question 2.

The Council of Ministers is collectively responsible to

  1.     The President of India
  2.     The Lok Sabha
  3.     The Prime Minister
  4.     The Rajya Sabha
Answer: Option B. -> The Lok Sabha

Question 3.

The members of the Council of Ministers are

  1.     Appointed by the Prime Minister
  2.     Appointed by the President on the recommendation of the Parliament
  3.     Appointed by the President on the advice of the Prime Minister
  4.     Appointed by the President at his discretion
Answer: Option C. -> Appointed by the President on the advice of the Prime Minister

Question 4.

To which of the following bills must the
President accord his sanction without sending it back for reconsideration?

  1.     Money bills
  2.     Ordinary bills
  3.     Bills seeking amendment to the constitution
  4.     Bills passed by both the houses of Parliament
Answer: Option A. -> Money bills

Question 5.

With regard to the re-election of the vice-President

  1.     The constitution is absolutely silent
  2.     The constitution places a clear ban
  3.     The constitution permits re-election only once
  4.     The constitution permits re-election for a maximum of two terms
Answer: Option A. -> The constitution is absolutely silent

Question 6.

After a bill is passed by the Parliament it is sent to the President
for his assent, who can return it for reconsideration to the Lok Sabha. But
if the bill is repassed by the Parliament and sent to the President for his
assent he

  1.     Has to sign it
  2.     Can send the bill to the Parliament for reconsideration for the second time
  3.     Can submit the same to the people for referendum
  4.     Can get it nullified through the Supreme Court
Answer: Option A. -> Has to sign it

Question 7.

Consider the following statements with regard to the vice-President
of India.

The vice-President is the ex-officio
chairman of the Rajya Sabha.

The vice-President discharges the
duties of the President in case his office falls vacant due to death.

In the event of the death of the
President, the vice-President assumes the responsibilities of the office of
the President for the unexpired term.

In the event of the death of the
President the vice-President acts as President for a maximum period of six

Of these statements

  1.     1, 2 and 3 are correct
  2.     2 and 3 are correct
  3.     1, and 4 are correct
  4.     1, 2, and 4 are correct
Answer: Option D. -> 1, 2, and 4 are correct

Question 8.

Two statements, one labelled the assertion 'a' and the other
labelled the reason 'r', are given below. Examine these statements carefully
and decide if the assertion 'a' and the reason 'r' are individually true and
if so, whether the reason is a correct explanation of the assertion.

Assertion: equality before law is not applicable to the President of

Reason (r): the President of India enjoys
special privileges under the constitution of India. Select the answer from
the codes given below

  1.     Both a and r are true and r is the correct explanation of a
  2.     Both a and r are true but r is not the correct explanation of a
  3.     A is true but r is false
  4.     A is false but r is true
Answer: Option D. -> A is false but r is true

Question 9.

The value of a vote of a member of Parliament for election of the
President of India is determined by dividing the

  1.     Total population of the country as per the latest census by the number of Lok Sabha members
  2.     Population of country as per the latest census by the total strength of the two houses of Parliament
  3.     The total value of votes of members of all the state legislative assemblies divided by the elected members of the two houses of Parliament
  4.     None of the above
Answer: Option C. -> The total value of votes of members of all the state legislative assemblies divided by the elected members of the two houses of Parliament

Question 10.

The vice-President is the ex-officio chairman of

  1.     The Rajya Sabha
  2.     The national development council
  3.     The Planning Commission
  4.     None of the above
Answer: Option A. -> The Rajya Sabha