Polity Misc - 36(Ias > Polity > Polity Assessments ) Questions and Answers

Question 1.

The constitution
has vested the 'residuary powers' with the centre. But the final authority to
decide whether a matter falls under residuary powers or not rests with

  1.     The Parliament
  2.     The President
  3.     The Rajya Sabha
  4.     The Supreme Court
Answer: Option D. -> The Supreme Court

Question 2.

The union
government has exclusive powers on subjects in

  1.     The union list
  2.     The concurrent list
  3.     State list
  4.     Both a and b
Answer: Option A. -> The union list

Question 3.

The constitution
of India has created

  1.     A very weak centre
  2.     A very strong centre
  3.     A centre which is weak during normal times but very strong during emergencies
  4.     None of the above
Answer: Option B. -> A very strong centre

Question 4.

The constitution
of India vests the residuary powers in

  1.     The union government
  2.     The states
  3.     The union and state governments jointly
  4.     None of the above
Answer: Option A. -> The union government

Question 5.

The states enjoy
exclusive jurisdiction on subjects in the

  1.     Concurrent list
  2.     State list
  3.     Both a and b
  4.     None of the above
Answer: Option B. -> State list

Question 6.

A law passed by a
state on a concurrent subject gets precedence over the law of the centre

  1.     If it was passed earlier than the central law
  2.     If it was passed by the state legislature and approved by the President before enactment of the central law
  3.     If the Supreme Court so decides
  4.     If the majority of state legislatures so decide
Answer: Option B. -> If it was passed by the state legislature and approved by the President before enactment of the central law

Question 7.

In case of
conflict between the central and state law on a subject in the concurrent

  1.     The law which was passed first prevails
  2.     The law of the state prevails
  3.     The law of the centre prevails
  4.     Both laws stand nullified
Answer: Option C. -> The law of the centre prevails

Question 8.

The Parliament can
legislate on any subject in the state list

  1.     If the Rajya Sabha declares by a two-third majority resolution that it is expedient to do so in national interest
  2.     For the implementation of international treaties or agreements
  3.     If two or more states make a request to Parliament to do so
  4.     In all the above cases
Answer: Option D. -> In all the above cases

Question 9.

The central
government can issue directions to the state with regard to subjects in

  1.     The union list
  2.     The state list
  3.     The concurrent list
  4.     All these lists
Answer: Option D. -> All these lists

Question 10.

The central
government can assign any function to the state with the consent of

  1.     The President
  2.     The Chief Justice of India
  3.     The Parliament
  4.     The state government
Answer: Option D. -> The state government