Polity Misc - 22(Ias > Polity > Polity Assessments ) Questions and Answers

Question 1.

In which one of
the following states there is no reservation for the scheduled castes for Lok

  1.     Jammu and Kashmir
  2.     Arunachal Pradesh
  3.     Meghalaya
  4.     All the above
Answer: Option A. -> Jammu and Kashmir

Question 2.

The Comptroller and Auditor General presents
a detailed review of union accounts to the union finance minister every

  1.     One year
  2.     Three months
  3.     Six months
  4.     One month
Answer: Option A. -> One year

Question 3.

The sitting of Lok
Sabha can be terminated through

  1.     Adjournment
  2.     Prorogation
  3.     Dissolution
  4.     All the above
Answer: Option D. -> All the above
The sitting of Lok Sabha can be terminated through the following:
(a) Adjournment
(b) Prorogation
(c) Dissolution

Question 4.

The Parliament of
India exercises control over administration

  1.     Through Parliamentary committees
  2.     Through consultative committees of different ministries
  3.     By obtaining periodic reports from administrators
  4.     Through all the above methods
Answer: Option A. -> Through Parliamentary committees

Question 5.

The President has
absolute veto with regard to

  1.     Non-money bills
  2.     Private member bills
  3.     Money bills
  4.     None of the above
Answer: Option B. -> Private member bills

Question 6.

Ad hoc judges are
appointed to the Supreme Court

  1.     For the disposal of accumulated cases
  2.     If some of the sitting judges proceed on leave
  3.     If qualified candidates are not available for permanent appointment
  4.     If requisite number of judges are not available to hold the meeting of the court
Answer: Option D. -> If requisite number of judges are not available to hold the meeting of the court

Question 7.

Which one of the
following motions is related with the union budget

  1.     Adjournment motion
  2.     Cut motion
  3.     Censure motion
  4.     None of the above
Answer: Option B. -> Cut motion

Question 8.

In the event of
non-availability of Chief Justice of India, an acting Chief justice can be appointed by

  1.     The Chief Justice of India
  2.     The President in consultation with the Chief Justice of India
  3.     The union law minister
  4.     The President
Answer: Option D. -> The President

Question 9.

If the Governor of
a state feels that the Anglo-Indian community has not been adequately
represented in the state legislative assembly he can nominate

  1.     One member
  2.     Two members
  3.     Three members
  4.     None of the members
Answer: Option A. -> One member