Central Government - 07(Ias > Polity > Polity Assessments ) Questions and Answers

Question 1.

Which one of the following are the financial committees of Parliament in India?
1. Public accounts committee
2. Estimates committee
3. Committee on public undertakings

  1.     1 only
  2.     1 and 2
  3.     1 and 3
  4.     1,2 and 3
Answer: Option D. -> 1,2 and 3

Option: (d)

Question 2.

Who decides whether a bill is a money bill or not?

  1.     Speaker of LokSabha
  2.     Prime Minister
  3.     President
  4.     Select Parliamentary committee
Answer: Option A. -> Speaker of LokSabha

Option: (a)

Question 3.

Which of the following bodies is presided over by a non-member?

  1.     RajyaSabha
  2.     LokSabha
  3.     State legislative assembly
  4.     All the above
Answer: Option A. -> RajyaSabha

Option: (a)

Question 4.

In case of differences between the two houses of Parliament over a bill, a joint session of the two houses is held where decision is taken by majority vote. In case there is a tie (votes in favor and against a bill are equal) how is the same resolved?

  1.     The bill is again submitted to vote of the two houses at a joint sitting after a gap of four weeks
  2.     The chairman of the RajyaSabha can make use of his casting vote
  3.     The speaker can make use of his casting vote
  4.     The bill is shelved for the session and taken up for consideration at the next session afresh
Answer: Option C. -> The speaker can make use of his casting vote

 Option: (c)

Question 5.

Who decides disputes regarding disqualification of members of Parliament?

  1.     The President
  2.     The concerned house
  3.     The Election Commission
  4.     The President in consultation with the Election Commission
Answer: Option D. -> The President in consultation with the Election Commission

Option: (d)

Question 6.

Money bill can originate

  1.     In either house of Parliament
  2.     Only in the LokSabha
  3.     Only in the RajyaSabha
  4.     Only in a joint sitting of the two houses
Answer: Option B. -> Only in the LokSabha

Option: (b)

Question 7.

Which of the following powers is exclusively vested in the RajyaSabha?

  1.     To initiate impeachment proceedings against the President
  2.     To recommend the creation of new all India services
  3.     To remove the vice-President
  4.     All the above powers
Answer: Option B. -> To recommend the creation of new all India services

Option: (b)

Question 8.

Which one of the following sets of bills is presented to the Parliament along with the budget?

  1.     Contingency bill and appropriation bill
  2.     Finance bill and contingency bill
  3.     Finance bill and appropriation bill
  4.     Direct taxes and indirect taxes bill
Answer: Option C. -> Finance bill and appropriation bill

Option: (c)

Question 9.

The Council of Ministers has to tender its resignation if a vote of no-confidence is passed against it

  1.     By the LokSabha
  2.     By the RajyaSabha
  3.     By the two houses at a joint sitting
  4.     By the two houses of Parliament by two-thirds majority
Answer: Option A. -> By the LokSabha

Option: (a)

Question 10.

No taxes can be levied or expenditure incurred without the approval of

  1.     The President
  2.     The Parliament
  3.     The Council of Ministers
  4.     All the above
Answer: Option B. -> The Parliament

Option: (b)