General Organic Chemistry(11th And 12th > Chemistry ) Questions and Answers

Question 1.

Which of the following statements is not characteristic of free radical chain reactions? 


  1.     It gives the major product from the most stable free radical
  2.     It is usually sensitive to a change in solvent polarity
  3.     It proceeds in three main steps - initiation, propagation and termination
  4.     It may be initiated by U.V. light
Answer: Option B. -> It is usually sensitive to a change in solvent polarity
A free-radical reaction is any chemical reaction involving free radicals. 
The major product is based on the most stable free radical.
These reactions usually involve 3 major steps: chain initiation, chain propagation and chain termination.
These are usually initiated by U.V light or other light sources which have enough energy to initiate the reaction.

Question 2.

The dipole moment is the highest for?


  1.     Trans-2-butene
  2.     1, 3-Dimethylbenzene
  3.     Acetophenone
  4.     Ethanol
Answer: Option C. -> Acetophenone

The Dipole Moment Is The Highest For? 

The dipole moment is the highest for Acetophenone because of -M effect. 

Question 3.

The Above Reaction Proceeds Through 

The above reaction proceeds through


  1.     Nucleophilic substitution 
  2.     Electrophilic substitution 
  3.     Free radical substitution
  4.     More than one of the above processes 
Answer: Option C. -> Free radical substitution
This is a good example of a photochemical reaction. A reaction brought about by light. 

The Above Reaction Proceeds Through 

One of the hydrogen atoms in the methyl group has been replaced by a chlorine atom, so this is a substitution reaction. However, the reaction doesn't stop there, and all three hydrogens in the methyl group can, in turn, be replaced by chlorine atoms.

Question 4.

Each carbon atom in benzene is in which state of hybridization?

  1.     sp3
  2.     sp2
  3.     sp
  4.     s3p
Answer: Option B. -> sp2
Look at the structure of benzene.
Each Carbon Atom In Benzene Is In Which State Of Hybridizati...
Every carbon atom in the benzene ring has a double bond with a neighbouring carbon atom and a single bond with another carbon atom. It is also bonded to one hydrogen atom with a single bond.
So, each carbon atom has 3 sigma bonds and 1 pi bond. This is possible only if the carbon atom is sp2 hybridized where we get 3 sp2 hybrid orbitals to form 3 sigma bonds and 1 unhybridised p orbital to form a pi bond. 
Another feature of sp2 hybridisation is that it leads to a trigonal planar geometry which is also true in this case.

Question 5.

The most common type of reaction in aromatic compounds is?


  1.     Elimination reaction 
  2.     Addition reaction
  3.     Electrophilic substitution reaction
  4.     Rearrangement reaction 
Answer: Option C. -> Electrophilic substitution reaction
It so happens that the most common type of reaction in aromatic compounds is an electrophilic substitution reaction.
This is because the benzene molecule is electron-rich.

Question 6.

Which of the following alkyl group has the maximum hyperconjugation effect and least +I effect?

  1.     (CH3)3C
  2.     (CH3)2CH
  3.     CH3CH2
  4.     CH3
Answer: Option D. -> CH3

When a methyl group is attached to an alkene or conjugated system, it shows maximum hyperconjugation.

CH3CH=CH2  Has 3 hyper conjugative structures.

CH3CH2CH=CH2   Has 2 hyper conjugative structures.

+I effect of ethyl is more than methyl but methyl shows more hyperconjugation due to the presence of higher number of alpha hydrogens.

Question 7.

In which of the following structures the pair of starred carbon atom do not lie in the same plane?

Answer: Option D. ->
The starred carbon in d are not present on sp2 hybrid carbon

Question 8.

The hybridization of carbons labelled 3, 4 and 5 in

HC1C2C3H=C4=C5HC6H=C7H2 are?

  1.     SP2 only
  2.     Sp2 in C-4 and SP3 in 3 and 5
  3.     Sp2 in C-3 and C-5 and SP in C-4
  4.     SP only
Answer: Option C. -> Sp2 in C-3 and C-5 and SP in C-4

Carbon which has 3σ bonds and 1π bond in C-3 and C-5 sp2 hybridised.

Carbon which has 3σ bonds and 1π bond as in C-4 is sp hybridised.

Question 9.

In each of the following pairs of ions which ion is more stable?
In Each Of The Following Pairs Of Ions Which Ion Is More Sta...

  1.     I,I,I,I
  2.     I,I,II,II
  3.     II,II,I,I
  4.     II,II,II,II
Answer: Option B. -> I,I,II,II

For part 1., we have to choose the more stable of benzyl and allyl 
carbocations. The benzyl carbocation has more resonance contributors.
In theory, it can be considered to be more stable.
For part 2., we have to choose the more stable cation between an
1 alkyl and a vinyl cation. The latter is more unstable because
the positive charge rests on a carbon having a double bond - which has
more % s-character and is thus more electronegative than the alkane's
carbon bearing the positive charge. The primary alkyl carbocation is thus
more stable.
For part 3., we have a straightforward case where an allyl carbocation is
more stable than a primary alkyl carbocation.
For part 4., the lone pair on the adjacent nitrogen stabilizes the positive charge.
Hence the resonance stabilized carbocation is more stable!

Question 10.

The compound which has only primary and tertiary carbons is?

  1.     2-methylbutane
  2.     2,3-dimethylbutane
  3.     2-chloropropane
  4.     2,2- dimethylpropane
Answer: Option B. -> 2,3-dimethylbutane

C1H3  C3H|C2H3  C5H|C4H3  C6H3

Carbons labelled 2 & 3 are tertiary carbons, it is carbon attached with 3 other carbon atoms and rest of the carbons are primary in nature.