Polity Misc - 04(Ias > Polity > Polity Assessments ) Questions and Answers

Question 1.

The union public service commission, which is concerned with the recruitment of
civil services at the centre,

  1.     Was created through a Presidential ordinance in 1950
  2.     Was created by an executive resolution which was duly endorsed by the Parliament
  3.     Was provided in the constitution
  4.     Was provided under the Indian independence act, 1947
Answer: Option C. -> Was provided in the constitution

Question 2.

Members of the UPSC are appointed by

  1.     The chairman of the UPSC
  2.     The President
  3.     The union home minister
  4.     None of the above
Answer: Option B. -> The President

Question 3.

Members of the UPSC hold office

  1.     During the pleasure of the President
  2.     As long as they enjoy the confidence of Parliament
  3.     Till they attain the age of 70 years
  4.     For a term of six years or till they attain the age of 65 years
Answer: Option D. -> For a term of six years or till they attain the age of 65 years

Question 4.

The composition of the union public service commission has been

  1.     Laid down in the constitution
  2.     Determined by the Parliament
  3.     Determined by the President
  4.     Determined by the union home ministry
Answer: Option A. -> Laid down in the constitution

Question 5.

At present the UPSC consists of a chairman and

  1.     Seven other members
  2.     Eight other members
  3.     Nine other members
  4.     Ten other members
Answer: Option D. -> Ten other members

Question 6.

The chairman of the union public service commission is appointed by

  1.     The President
  2.     The Prime Minister
  3.     The union home minister
  4.     The President in consultation with the Chief Justice of India
Answer: Option A. -> The President

Question 7.

The UPSC can be assigned additional duties on the recommendation of

  1.     The union home minister
  2.     The Parliament
  3.     The Council of Ministers
  4.     The President
Answer: Option B. -> The Parliament

Question 8.

what is the major function of the UPSC?

  1.     To conduct examinations for appointment to all India and central services
  2.     To advise the President regarding claims of civil servants for costs incurred in the course of execution of duties
  3.     To advise the President regarding disciplinary action against a civil servant
  4.     All the above
Answer: Option D. -> All the above

Question 9.

The UPSC submits an annual report on its work to

  1.     The President
  2.     The Parliament
  3.     The union home minister
  4.     The Chief Justice of India
Answer: Option A. -> The President

Question 10.

Members of the UPSC can be removed from office before the expiry of their
term by

  1.     The Prime Minister
  2.     The chairman of the UPSC
  3.     The President on the recommendation of the Supreme Court
  4.     the President on the recommendation of the
Answer: Option C. -> The President on the recommendation of the Supreme Court