Polity Misc - 07(Ias > Polity > Polity Assessments ) Questions and Answers

Question 1.

The special status of Jammu and Kashmir implies that the state has

  1.     Separate defense forces
  2.     A separate constitution
  3.     A separate judiciary
  4.     All the above
Answer: Option B. -> A separate constitution

Question 2.

The constitution of Jammu and Kashmir was framed by

  1.     The same constituent assembly which framed the constitution of India
  2.     By a special constituent assembly set up by the Parliament
  3.     A special constituent assembly set up by the state
  4.     None of the above
Answer: Option C. -> A special constituent assembly set up by the state

Question 3.

From which source does money flow into the consolidated fund of India?

  1.     Revenues
  2.     Fresh loans
  3.     Repayment of loans
  4.     All the above
Answer: Option D. -> All the above

Question 4.

Though originally the use of English for official purpose was permitted for a
period of 15 years from the commencement of the constitution, its use beyond
this period was permitted through

  1.     An amendment in the constitution
  2.     An act of Parliament
  3.     An ordinance of the President
  4.     A judgment of the Supreme Court
Answer: Option B. -> An act of Parliament

Question 5.

The President can make a proclamation of emergency in the state of Jammu and

  1.     With prior consent of the Parliament
  2.     With the concurrence of the Chief Justice of India
  3.     With the concurrence of the state legislature
  4.     With the concurrence of the state Governor
Answer: Option C. -> With the concurrence of the state legislature

Question 6.

The minorities commission consists of

  1.     Six members
  2.     Nine members
  3.     Five members
  4.     Three members
Answer: Option A. -> Six members

Question 7.

Assertion (a): the world 'minority' is not defined in the constitution of

Reason (r): the minorities commission
is not a constitutional body.

  1.     Both a and r are true and r is the correct explanation of a
  2.     Both a and r are true but r is not a correct explanation of a
  3.     A is true but r is false
  4.     A is false but r is true
Answer: Option B. -> Both a and r are true but r is not a correct explanation of a

Question 8.

Though Hindi is the official language of India, English has been permitted to
continue for official purpose

  1.     Till 1999
  2.     Till 2000
  3.     Till 2010
  4.     For an indefinite period
Answer: Option D. -> For an indefinite period

Question 9.

Special status was accorded to Jammu and Kashmir in terms of

  1.     An assurance given to the state government at the time of its accession
  2.     Indian independence act 1947
  3.     The ceasefire agreement concluded with pakistan in 1948
  4.     All the above
Answer: Option A. -> An assurance given to the state government at the time of its accession

Question 10.

In which of the following states, it is constitutionally obligatory for the
state to have a minister for tribal welfare?

  1.     Bihar
  2.     Madhya Pradesh
  3.     Orissa
  4.     All the above
Answer: Option D. -> All the above