Gravitation The Law Of Falling(11th And 12th > Physics ) Questions and Answers

Question 1.

If the period of revolution of an artificial satellite just above the earth's surface is T and the density of earth is ρ, then   ρT2 is

  1.     A universal constant whose value is 3πG
  2.     A universal constant whose value is 3π2G
  3.     Proportional to radius of earth R
  4.     Proportional to square of the radius of earth R2 Here, G= universal gravitational constant
Answer: Option A. -> A universal constant whose value is 3πG

Here, G = universal gravitation constant

Time period of a satellite above the earth's surface is :


or           ρT2=3πG = a universal constant.

Question 2.

A small body starts falling on to the earth from a distance equal to the radius of the earth's orbit. How long will the body take to reach the sun? Express the time in terms of T, period of revolution of the earth round the sun

  1.     T42
  2.     T22
  3.     T2
  4.     T
Answer: Option A. -> T42

Let x be the distance moved by the particle in time t.

Then by conservation of energy GMmd+0=GMmdx+12mv2

Where M  is mass of the sun and d is the initial separation.






But, GMmed2=meω2d

where me = mass of the earth and ω = angular speed of earth.



Question 3.

The potential at the surface of a planet of mass M and radius R is assumed to be zero.  Choose the most appropriate option

  1.     The potential at infinity is GMR
  2.     The potential at the center of planet is GMR
  3.     Both (a) and (b) are correct
  4.     Both (a) and (b) are wrong
Answer: Option C. -> Both (a) and (b) are correct

At all places potential will increase by GMR

Question 4.

A particle is projected upward from the surface of earth (radius = R) with a speed equal to the orbital speed of a satellite near the earth's surface. The height to which it would rise is

  1.     R
  2.     R2
  3.     R
  4.     2R
Answer: Option C. -> R

v=v0=ve2 (orbital speed v0 of a satellit near the earth's surface is equal to 12 times the escape velocity of a particle on earth's surface)

Now from conservetion of mechanical energy:

Decrease in kinetic energy = increase in potential energy

or           12mv2e2=mgh(1+hR)

or           12m(2gR2)=mgh(1+hR)

or                           h = R

Question 5.

The earth revolves about the sun in an elliptical orbit with mean radius 9.3×107m in a period of 1 year. Assuming that there are no outside influences

  1.     The earth's kinetic energy remains constant
  2.     The earth's angular momentum remains constant
  3.     The earth's potential energy remains constant
  4.     All are correct
Answer: Option B. -> The earth's angular momentum remains constant

Kinetic and potential energies varies with position of earth w.r.t. sun. Angular momentum remains constant every where.

Question 6.

A geostationary satellite orbits around the earth in a circular orbit of radius 36,000 km.  Then, the time period of a spy satellite orbiting a few hundred km above the earth's surface (Re = 6400 km) will approximately be

  1.     12h
  2.     1 h
  3.     2 h
  4.     4 h
Answer: Option C. -> 2 h

Time period of a satellite very close to earth's surface is 84.6 min.  Time period increases as the distance of the satellite from the surface of earth increase.  So, time period of spy satellite orbiting a few hundred km above the earth's surface should be slightly greater than 84.6 min.  Therefore, the more appropriate option is (c) or 2 h

Question 7.

Two satellites of masses m1 and m2(m1>m2) are revolving round the earth in circular orbits of radius r1 and r2(r1>r2) respectively. Which of the following statements is true regarding their speeds v1 and v2?

  1.     v1=v2
  2.     v1<v2
  3.     v1>v2
  4.     v1r1=v2r2
Answer: Option B. -> v1<v2

v=GMr if r1>r2 then v1<v2
Orbit speed of satellite does not depends upon the mass of satellite

Question 8.

In a  double star system of two stars of masses m and 2m, rotating about their centre of mass. Their time period of rotation about their centre of mass will be proportional to

  1.     r3
  2.     r
  3.     m12
  4.     m12
Answer: Option D. -> m12


In A  Double Star System Of Two Stars Of Masses M And 2m, R...




Question 9.

Select the correct statement from the following

  1.     The orbital velocity of a satellite increases with the radius of the orbit
  2.     Escape velocity of a particle from the surface of the earth depends on the speed with which it is fired
  3.     The time period of a satellite does not depend on the radius of the orbit
  4.     The orbital velocity is inversely proportional to the square root of the radius of the orbit
Answer: Option D. -> The orbital velocity is inversely proportional to the square root of the radius of the orbit


Question 10.

An earth satellite of mass m revolves in a circular orbit at a height h from the surface of the earth. R is the radius of the earth and g is acceleration due to gravity at the surface of the earth. The velocity of the satellite in the orbit is given by

  1.     gR2R+h
  2.     gR
  3.     gRR+h
  4.     gR2R+h
Answer: Option D. -> gR2R+h
