Laws Of Thermodynamics(11th And 12th > Physics ) Questions and Answers

Question 1.

Along the line AB :

Along The Line AB :

  1.     heat was input
  2.     heat was extracted
  3.     no heat was transferred
  4.     Can't be said
Answer: Option A. -> heat was input
Along AB heat was input. Along the line AB, the quantity pV increased, so NkT increased so ΔU=NkΔT was positive. ΔU=Q+W, and W = 0 since pΔV=0. So ΔU=Q is positive.

Question 2.

Tony now wants to design the engine with efficiency greater than that of Carnot's Engine, will he succeed? (Assuming his scientific work to be governed by the laws of physics that apply in the real world)

  1.     Yes, of course, he is Iron Man!
  2.     Yes, he has state of the art equipment at his disposal, Carnot was old.
  3.     No, it violates 1st law of thermodynamics.
  4.     No, the efficiency of Carnot's engine is the theoretical upper limit of efficiency, he can at best match it.
Answer: Option D. -> No, the efficiency of Carnot's engine is the theoretical upper limit of efficiency, he can at best match it.
The efficiency of a Carnot's engine is the highest possible theoretical efficiency of any engine, any other engine can only match it, not improve upon it. Any engine with a better efficiency can be proved to violate the 2nd law of thermodynamics.

Question 3.

Tony Stark wants to build an engine to propel his Iron Man suit; he wants to achieve an efficiency of 1.5 to make the suit lighter and faster! Which of the following laws of physics would he be violating?

  1.     1st law of Thermodynamics
  2.     2nd law of Thermodynamics
  3.     Both (a) and (b)
  4.     Neither (a) and (b)
Answer: Option C. -> Both (a) and (b)
Efficiency greater than 1 means that the work output of the engine is greater than the heat input! This violates the conservation of energy, or the 1st law of thermodynamics. Also the 2nd law prohibits the efficiency to be equal to 1, hence it is also being violated.

Question 4.

An engine does 41,000 J of useful work. If it sinks 9,000 J of energy in the form of heat to its cold reservoir, find the heat energy supplied to the engine's hot reservoir?

  1.     41000 J
  2.     9000 J
  3.     32000 J
  4.     50000 J
Answer: Option D. -> 50000 J
QHOT=W+QCOLD=41000 J+9000 J=50000 J

Question 5.

An ideal gas is taken through the process ABCDA as shown. Which process(s) is/are isobaric?

An Ideal Gas Is Taken Through The Process ABCDA As Shown. Wh...

  1.     AB and CD
  2.     BC and DA
  3.     All processes
  4.     None of above
Answer: Option B. -> BC and DA
Isobaric process is constant pressure process, on the graph AB and CD represent constant pressure lines.

Question 6.

Figure below represents a Carnot engine that works between temperatures T1 400 K and T2 150 K and drives aCarnot refrigerator that works between temperatures T3 325 K and T4 225 K.What is the ratio Q3Q1?

Figure Below Represents A Carnot Engine That Works Between T...

  1.     10485
  2.     10495
  3.     85104
  4.     95104
Answer: Option C. -> 85104

Let us consider the efficiency of the heat engine first.





Now this work is utilized by the refrigerator to add heat to the hot body from the cold body. The efficiency of this refrigerator is calculated using.




We know that ηr=Q2w

Q2=w×ηr ............(3)

From 1st law of thermodynamics we know


                    =w+w×ηr - - - - - - (4)

Substituting for w and etar in (4) we get





Question 7.

In one cycle of the engine, the net change in the entropy of both reservoirs (hot and cold together) is:

In One Cycle Of The Engine, The Net Change In The Entropy Of...

  1.     zero
  2.     greater than or equal to zero
  3.     less than zero
  4.     depends on the type of engine
Answer: Option B. -> greater than or equal to zero
Greater than or equal to zero. By the 2nd Law, the entropy of the universe (engine + hot bath + cold bath) can never decrease. The entropy of the engine remains constant (see previous question) so the entropy of the reservoirs must increase. In the case of an ideal Carnot cycle, the process is reversible and the net entropy change is zero.

Question 8.

What is the efficiency of a Carnot engine operating between higher temperature TH and lower temperature TL?

  1.     THTL
  2.     THTLTL
  3.     THTLTH
  4.     TLTHTL
Answer: Option C. -> THTLTH

The work done by the gas over the entire cycle divided by the heat consumed from the hot reservoir is the efficiency of the Carnot engine.

Let us consider each isothermal process and find the work done in each of them.

Process a - b (isothermal)

Work done in an isothermal process is given by the formula


In this case

W1=nRTn(vnvb). . . . (1)

Similarly the work done in process c - d is

W3=nRTn(vcvd). . . . (2)

Since both of these process are isothermal

QL=W3...(4) and QH=W1...(5)

The Carnot engine is represented below

What Is The Efficiency Of A Carnot Engine Operating Between ...

Applying law of conservation of energy we get


Dividing throughout by QH we get

1QLQH=WQH=η. . . . .(6)

Substituting for QH and QL in(6)

We get



In process b - c since it is adiabatic the state variables T and V are connected using the relation

T(1γ1)b×Vb=T(1γ1)c×Vc    ......(8)

and similarly

T(1γ1)d×Vd=T(1γ1)a×Va    .......(9)

From (8) and we get


ln(vcvd)ln(vbva)    .......(10)

Substituting (10) in (9) we get



Question 9.

A refrigerator uses 400 J of work to remove 200 J of heat from its contents. How much heat must it reject to its surroundings?

  1.     400 J
  2.     200 J
  3.     600 J
  4.     800 J
Answer: Option C. -> 600 J
The refrigerator must reject an amount of heat to the room equal to the sum of the work done by the refrigerator and the heat removed from its contents or 400 J + 200 J = 600 J

Question 10.

We know that, for an ideal monoatomic gas, the total internal energy is a result of the translational kinetic energy only. For the oxygen molecule O2 (assume it doesn't oscillate along the bond axis), which rotates as well as translates, choose the correct statement(s) from the following

  1.     Change in translational kinetic energy of a sample of n moles = nCVΔT
  2.     Translational kinetic energy < rotational kinetic energy
  3.     Translational kinetic energy > rotational kinetic energy
  4.     Translational kinetic energy = rotational kinetic energy.
Answer: Option C. -> Translational kinetic energy > rotational kinetic energy

The equipartition theorem postulates - each degree of freedom contributes an energy equal to (12)kT to the total internal energy of a molecule, depending on the temperature T. Let's count the number of degrees of freedom for an O2 molecule.

We Know That, For An Ideal Monoatomic Gas, The Total Interna...

(1) Possible directions of translational motion are the three axes, x, y and z. Thus, number of translational degrees of motion = 3.

(2) Given the negligible size of the atoms, rotation about the bond-axis will not be significant. It can only rotate about the two axes shown (perpendicular to the bond-axis). Thus number of rotational degrees of motion = 2.

Therefore, according the equipartition theorem,

(i) Translational Kinetic energy, KTr = 32kT,

(ii) Rotational Kinetic energy, KRot = kT.

Clearly, KTr > KRot.