Directing(12th Grade > Business Studies ) Questions and Answers

Question 1.

Who developed the 'Need Hierarchy' theory?

  1.     Abraham Maslow
  2.     Fred Luthans
  3.     Scott
  4.     None of the above
Answer: Option A. -> Abraham Maslow

Abraham Maslow developed the 'Need Hierarchy' theory.

Question 2.

___ is the process of translating the encoded message into the effective language by the receiver.

  1.     Decoding
  2.     Coding
  3.     Encoding
  4.     None of these
Answer: Option A. -> Decoding

Decoding is the process of translating the encoded message into the effective language by the receiver.

Question 3.

Displaying the name of an employee on the company's notice board because of his remarkable performance is an example of employee recognition programmes. State true or false.

  1.     True
  2.     False
  3.     Scott
  4.     None of the above
Answer: Option A. -> True

True. Displaying the name of an employee on the company's notice board because of his remarkable performance is an example of employee recognition programmes.

Question 4.

___ refers to the part of informal communication that cuts across formal channels of communication. 

Answer: Option A. -> True

Grapevine refers to the part of informal communication that cuts across formal channels of communication. 

Question 5.

A superior communicates with his subordinate is an example of ___  communication?

  1.     Upward
  2.     Downward
  3.     Lateral
  4.     Horizontal
Answer: Option B. -> Downward

A superior communicates with his subordinate is an example of downward communication.

Question 6.

Neeraj, a sales representative of 'Omida Ltd' has changed seven jobs in the last one year. He is a hard working person but is not able to finalise deals with the customers due to his inadequate vocabulary and omission of needed words. Sometimes he uses wrong words because of which intended meaning is not conveyed. All this creates a misunderstanding between him and his clients.  State the category of this communication barrier.

  1.     Semantic barrier
  2.     Psychological barrier
  3.     Organisational barrier
  4.     None of the above
Answer: Option A. -> Semantic barrier

A semantic barrier is the category of the above communication barrier.

Question 7.

'Better human relationships' is one of the advantages of ___ type of communication.

Answer: Option A. -> Semantic barrier

'Better human relationships' is one of the advantages of informal type of communication.

Question 8.

Kareena is working in an MNC. She has been given an option to buy the shares of the company at an amount less than the market price because of her performance as an incentive, Katrina has been awarded 'Employee of the month' award. ___ form of incentive is being referred here?

Answer: Option A. -> Semantic barrier

Non-monetary incentive is being referred to in the above situation.

Question 9.

Ekta is a very strict foreman. She punishes latecomers by reporting negatively in observation reports of workers, due to this the wages of those workers who come late, decline considerably.___ kind of motivation is applied by Ekta.

Answer: Option A. -> Semantic barrier

Negative motivation is the kind of motivation that is applied by Ekta.

Question 10.

___ network is a network where any person can communicate with anyone else randomly.

  1.     Gossip network
  2.     Probability network
  3.     Single strand network
  4.     None of the above
Answer: Option B. -> Probability network

Probability network is a network where any person can communicate with anyone else randomly.