Polity Misc - 08(Ias > Polity > Polity Assessments ) Questions and Answers

Question 1.

Money can be spent out of the consolidated fund of India

  1.     With the approval of the President
  2.     With the approval of the Parliament
  3.     With the approval of the comptroller and auditor general
  4.     With the approval of all these authorities
Answer: Option B. -> With the approval of the Parliament

Question 2.

The consolidated fund of India is a fund in which

  1.     All taxes collected by the union as well as state governments are deposited
  2.     All money received by or on behalf of the government of India is deposited
  3.     The union as well as state governments make equal contribution to this fund and out of this, all charged expenses are met
  4.     Savings of the union and state governments are deposited to meet unforeseen expenses
Answer: Option B. -> All money received by or on behalf of the government of India is deposited

Question 3.

Which of the following expenses are charged on the consolidated fund of

  1.     Salary and allowances of the President
  2.     Debt charges of the government of India
  3.     Sum payable as a result of judgement, decree or award of a court
  4.     All the above
Answer: Option D. -> All the above

Question 4.

Which of the following features of the electoral system of India has been
wrongly listed?

  1.     It is based on universal adult franchise
  2.     It provides a single electoral body
  3.     The political parties are an indispensable part of the electoral process
  4.     Plural voting
Answer: Option D. -> Plural voting

Question 5.

Money can be withdrawn from the consolidated fund of India only with the
approval of

  1.     The Parliament
  2.     The President
  3.     The comptroller and auditor general
  4.     None of the above
Answer: Option A. -> The Parliament

Question 6.

Money can be withdrawn from the consolidated fund of India

  1.     Any time
  2.     Only after the appropriation act has been passed by the Parliament
  3.     As soon as the appropriation bill is introduced in the Parliament
  4.     At any time with the prior approval of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India
Answer: Option B. -> Only after the appropriation act has been passed by the Parliament

Question 7.

The contingency fund of India was created

  1.     By the constitution
  2.     Through an act of Parliament in 1950
  3.     In terms of the Indian independence act, 1947
  4.     Through a Presidential order in 1952
Answer: Option B. -> Through an act of Parliament in 1950

Question 8.

Elections in India are held on the basis of

  1.     Single member constituencies
  2.     Double member constituencies
  3.     Multi-member constituencies
  4.     Both a and b
Answer: Option A. -> Single member constituencies

Question 9.

Money can be advanced out of the contingency fund of India to meet unforeseen
expenses by

  1.     The President
  2.     The union finance minister
  3.     The comptroller and auditor general
  4.     The Prime Minister
Answer: Option A. -> The President

Question 10.

Expenses incurred out of the contingency fund of India are

  1.     Subsequently recouped by transferring savings from other heads of budget
  2.     Recouped through supplementary, additional or excess grants by Parliament
  3.     Not recouped till the whole fund is exhausted
  4.     Recouped by collecting contributions from various states
Answer: Option B. -> Recouped through supplementary, additional or excess grants by Parliament