P-block Group 15 - Pnictogens(11th And 12th > Chemistry ) Questions and Answers

Question 1.

Which is more basic in aqueous solution - Ammonia or Hydrazine?

  1.     NH3
  2.     H2NNH2
  3.     Both NH3 and H2NNH2 are equally basic.
  4.     Neither of them are basic
Answer: Option A. -> NH3
We can look at the pKa table and see that NH3 is more stable than H2NNH2.

Question 2.

Alkali metal Nitrates on heating with lead decompose to give:

  1.     Lead nitride
  2.     Nitrogen
  3.     Nitric oxide
  4.     Metal Nitrite
Answer: Option D. -> Metal Nitrite
Nitrates on heating with lead decompose to give the corresponding nitrites and Lead (II) Oxide

Question 3.

For drying ammonia gas sulphuric acid is used as dehydrating agent – True or False?

  1.     True
  2.     False
  3.     Both NH3 and H2NNH2 are equally basic.
  4.     Neither of them are basic
Answer: Option B. -> False
Sulphuric acid reacts with ammonia to form ammonium sulphate
Therefore, CaO is used to dry ammonia gas

Question 4.

HNO2 (Nitrous acid) is a monobasic acid. – True or False?

  1.     True
  2.     False
  3.     Nitric oxide
  4.     Metal Nitrite
Answer: Option A. -> True
HNO2 (Nitrous acid) is monobasic acid because it can donate only a single proton.
Basicity is the number of protons that an acid can give. From the structure,
HNO2 (Nitrous Acid) Is A Monobasic Acid. – True Or False?...
We can see that there is only one H atom and so only one proton can be abstracted from a HNO2 molecule. What can you say about the basicity of nitric acid?

Question 5.

Concentrated orthophosphoric acid is a syrupy, viscous liquid and this is due to __ bonding.

Answer: Option A. -> True
Let us take a look at the structure of H3PO4: Concentrated Orthophosphoric Acid Is A Syrupy, Viscous Liqui...
As we can see from the above structure, the Oxygen atom shown to have double bond character acts as a site to accept Hydrogen bonds while the other Hydrogen atoms attached via a single bond to Oxygen atoms can participate in Hydrogen bond. So in all, for every molecule there are 3 donor sites and one acceptor site.

Question 6.

Nitrogen could be prepared by

  1.     Heating NH4NO3 carefully
  2.     Exposing HNO3 to red light
  3.     Heating air
  4.     Heating NH4NO2 carefully
Answer: Option D. -> Heating NH4NO2 carefully
Heating NH4NO3 carefully produces N2O but heating NH4NO2 liberates N2 gas.

Question 7.

Which of the following statements regarding the allotropes of Nitrogen are correct? Assume the pressure to be atmospheric pressure at all times

  1.     Below 237.6C Nitrogen exists as the α-nitrogen
  2.     Gaseous nitrogen condenses into the β-nitrogen form at 210.01C 
  3.     As a gaseous diatomic molecule, Nitrogen does not have any allotropes at room temperature
  4.     Nitrogen does not have any other allotropes under any circumstances
Answer: Option D. -> Nitrogen does not have any other allotropes under any circumstances
A, B, and C
Nitrogen atom is small in size and has the tendency to form pπpπ multiple bonds. In fact, the Nitrogen – Nitrogen triple bond in N2 molecule has very high thermodynamic stability with a dissociation energy of 942kJ.mol1. This and other molecular orbital considerations account for the lack of allotropes of Nitrogen under normal conditions. However, it would be wrong to say that Nitrogen doesn’t have allotropes at all.
Gaseous nitrogen condenses into the β-hcp form at 210.01C. On freezing further, at temperatures below 237.6C Nitrogen assumes the cubic α form. At room temperature and atmospheric pressure, gaseous N2 does not have any other allotropes.

Question 8.

Atomic radii of group 15 elements is of the order

  1.     N>P>As>Bi>Sb
  2.     N>P>As>Sb>Bi
  3.     N<P<As<Sb<Bi
  4.     N<P<As<Sb>Bi
Answer: Option C. -> N<P<As<Sb<Bi
This increase in atomic radii from N to Bi is due to the corresponding increase in the highest principal quantum number for each succeeding element. Thus option C is the correct one.

Question 9.

Calcium Cyanamide on hydrolysis gives ammonia – True or False?

  1.     True
  2.     False
  3.     Heating air
  4.     Heating NH4NO2 carefully
Answer: Option A. -> True
Cyanamide is an important organic chemical, which is used in agriculture and in the production of various pharmaceuticals and other organic compounds. It can be thought of as a nitrile group attached to an amine group.
Calcium Cyanamide is CaNCN, an inorganic compound that is extensively used as a fertilizer. It is synthesized by the famous Frank-Caro process (also known as the cyanamide process) where Calcium Carbide is heated with N2 gas in a reactor at 1273 K. The reaction is exothermic:
CaC2    +  N2                                CaNCN          + C
( Calcium          (Nitrogen)                     ( Calcium                 (Carbon) 
  Carbide)                                             Cyanamide)
CaCN2       +    4H2O                       Ca(OH)2    +    CO2       +            2NH3   
                                                           (Calcium hydroxide)                                                               (Ammonia)

Question 10.

Lead nitrate on heating (Decomposition) gives

  1.     PbO
  2.     O2
  3.     NO2
  4.     All of these
Answer: Option D. -> All of these
Lead Heavy metal nitrates like copper (II) Nitrate or Lead (II) Nitrate decompose on heating to give the corresponding metal (II) oxide, nitrogen dioxide gas and dioxygen gas.