Atoms(11th And 12th > Physics ) Questions and Answers

Question 1.

In the Bohr's hydrogen atom model, the radius of the stationary orbit is directly proportional to (n = principle quantum number)

  1.     n1
  2.     n
  3.     n2
  4.     n2
Answer: Option D. -> n2
Bohr radius r=0n2h2πZme2;rn2

Question 2.

In the nth orbit, the energy of an electron En=13.6n2 eV for hydrogen atom. The energy required to take the electron from first orbit to second orbit will be

  1.     10.2 eV
  2.     12.1 eV
  3.     13.6 eV
  4.     3.4 eV
Answer: Option A. -> 10.2 eV
The energy in the first orbit is - 13.6eV
n=2 --------------- E2=13.6(2)2=3.4 eV
E12=3.4(13.6)=+10.2 eV

Question 3.

In the following atoms and molecules for the transition from n = 2  to n = 1, the spectral line of minimum wavelength will be produced by

  1.     Hydrogen atom
  2.     Deuterium atom
  3.     Uni-ionized helium
  4.     double -ionized lithium
Answer: Option D. -> double -ionized lithium
For double-ionised lithium the value of Z is maximum.

Question 4.

Hydrogen atom in its ground state is excited by radiation of wavelength 975 AHow many lines will be there in
the emission spectrum

  1.     2
  2.     4
  3.     6
  4.     8
Answer: Option C. -> 6
Using 1λ=R[1n211n22]1975×1010=1.097×107(1121n2)n=4
Now number of spectral lines N=n(n1)2=4(41)2=6

Question 5.

A photon of energy 12.4 eV is completely absorbed by a hydrogen atom initially in the ground state so that it is excited. The quantum number of the excited state is

  1.     n = 1
  2.     n = 3
  3.     n = 4
  4.     n =
Answer: Option C. -> n = 4
Let electron absorbing the photon energy reaches to the excited state n. Then using energy conservation

Question 6.

The wave number of the energy emitted when electron comes from fourth orbit to second orbit in hydrogen is 20,397 cm1. The wave number of the energy for the same transition in He+ is

  1.     5,099 cm1
  2.     20,497 cm1
  3.     40,994 cm1
  4.     81,588 cm1
Answer: Option D. -> 81,588 cm1
Using 1λ=¯v=RZ2(1n211n22)¯vZ2¯v2¯v1=(Z2Z1)2=(Z1)2=4¯v2=¯v×4=81588 cm1

Question 7.

In an atom, the two electrons move round the nucleus in circular orbits of radii R and 4R. The ratio of the time taken by them to complete one revolution is

  1.     14
  2.     41
  3.     81
  4.     18
Answer: Option D. -> 18
Time period Tn3Z2
For a given atom (Z = constant) So Tn3 ......... (i) and radius Rn2 ......... (ii)
From equation (i) and (ii) TR3/2T1T2=(R1R2)3/2=(R4R)3/2=18

Question 8.

Ionisation energy for hydrogen atom in the ground state is E. What is the ionisation energy of Li++ atom in the 2nd excited state

  1.     E
  2.     3 E
  3.     6 E
  4.     9 E
Answer: Option A. -> E
Ionisation energy of atom in nth state EnαZ2n2
For hydrogen atom in ground state (n = 1) and Z = 1 E=E0 ....... (i)
For Li++ atom in 2nd  excited state n = 3 and Z = 3, hence E=E032×32=E0 ........ (ii)
From equation (i) and (ii)  E=E

Question 9.

An electron in a hydrogen atom makes a transition n1n2 where n1 and n2 are principal quantum numbers of the states. Assume the Bhor's model to be valid. The time period of the electron in the initial states is eight times to that of final state. What is ratio of  n1n2

  1.     8 : 1
  2.     4 : 1
  3.     2 : 1
  4.     1 : 2
Answer: Option C. -> 2 : 1
Tnn3   nT13

Question 10.

Any radiation in the ultra violet region of Hydrogen spectrum is able to eject photoelectrons from a metal. Then the threshold frequency of the metal for a threshold λ=1R=911˙A,is nearly

  1.     3.3×1015HZ
  2.     2.5×1015HZ
  3.     4.6×1014HZ
  4.     8.2×1014HZ
Answer: Option A. -> 3.3×1015HZ
c=νλ  ; ν=cλ=3×108911×1010