Chemical Kinetics(11th And 12th > Chemistry ) Questions and Answers

Question 1.

If in the fermentation of sugar in an enzymatic solution which is initially 0.12 M the  concentration of sugar is reduced to 0.06 M in 10 h and to 0.03 M in 20 h, hence order of the reaction is

  1.     0
  2.     1
  3.     2
  4.     3
Answer: Option B. -> 1
t1/2 is constant. Hence order = 1

Question 2.

Milk turns sour at 40C three times as faster as 0C. Hence, Ea in the process of turning of milk sour is

  1.     2.303×2×313×27340log3
  2.     2.303×2×313×27340log(1/3) cal
  3.     2.303×2×40273×313log3 cal
  4.     None of these
Answer: Option A. -> 2.303×2×313×27340log3
On taking logs on both sides, you get the required answer

Question 3.

The data for the reaction is A + B  C is
 Exp.[A]0[B]0Initial rate10.0120.0350.1020.0240.0350.8030.0120.0700.1040.0240.0700.80

  1.     r=k[B]3
  2.     r=k[A]3
  3.     r=k[A][B]4
  4.     r=k[A]2[B]2
Answer: Option B. -> r=k[A]3
A quick way to solve this would be to look at rows one and two. Straight away you can tell that rate does not depend on [B]

Question 4.

The half-life of a first order reaction is 24 hrs. If we start with 10 M initial concentration of the reactant then conc. after 96 hrs will be

  1.     6.25 M
  2.     1.25 M
  3.     0.125 M
  4.     0.625 M
Answer: Option D. -> 0.625 M
1024 hrs−−524 hrs−−2.524 hrs−−1.2524 hrs−−0.625

Question 5.

The half-life for the reaction, N2O52NO2+12O2 is 12 minutes at 30C. Starting with 100 g of N2O5 how many gram of N2O5 will remain after a period of 1 hour 36 minutes.

  1.     1.25 g
  2.     0.39 g
  3.     1.77 g
  4.     0.5 g
Answer: Option B. -> 0.39 g
One hour 36 minutes, i.e., 96 minutes is 8 half lives
Hence the amount left over is 10028=100256=0.39g

Question 6.

Which of these does not influence the rate of reaction?

  1.     Nature of the reactants
  2.     Concentration of the reactants
  3.     Temperature 
  4.     Order of a reaction
Answer: Option D. -> Order of a reaction
Order of a reaction is equal to the sum of the stoichiometric coefficients expressed in a rate law. 

Question 7.

A first order reaction is half completed in 45 minutes. How long does it need for 99.9% of the reaction to be completed?

  1.     20 hours
  2.     10 hours
  3.     7.5 hours
  4.     5 hours
Answer: Option C. -> 7.5 hours
Each half life would reduce the concentration to half of its original value. So, 99.9% completion takes place in 10 half-lives. Remember 210=1024 and 1/10240.001
Hence time taken = 45 × 10 minutes = 450 minutes = 7.5 hours.

Question 8.

For the reaction A + B C, it is found that doubling the concentration of A increases the rate by 4 times and doubling the concentration of B doubles the reaction rate. What is the overall order of the reaction?

  1.     4
  2.     32
  3.     3
  4.     1
Answer: Option C. -> 3
rate =k[A]x[B]y

Question 9.

Chemical reactions with very high Ea values are generally:

  1.     Very fast
  2.     Very slow
  3.     Moderately fast
  4.     Spontaneous
Answer: Option B. -> Very slow
A reaction with very high Ea will have very small fraction of effective collision of molecules.

Question 10.

Which one of the following is a second order reaction?

  1.     H2+Br22HBr
  2.     NH4NO3N2+3H2O
  3.     H2+Cl22HCl
Answer: Option D. -> CH3COOCH3+NaOHCH3COONa+CH3OH
Choices (a) and (c) are photochemical reaction of zero order. Choice (b) is first order reaction. In choice (d), rate of reaction depends on 1st power of CH3COOCH3 and NaOH both.