Polity Misc - 18(Ias > Polity > Polity Assessments ) Questions and Answers

Question 1.

A political party
is officially accorded the status of the opposition party in Lok Sabha only
if it secures at least

  1.     10 per cent of the seats
  2.     15 per cent of the seats
  3.     5 per cent of the seats
  4.     4 per cent of the seats
Answer: Option A. -> 10 per cent of the seats

Question 2.

Which of the
following duties/functions has been assigned to the Attorney General of

  1.     To control state expenditure and accounts
  2.     To render legal advice to the central government
  3.     To arbitrate in disputes between the centre and the states
  4.     Both (a) and (b)
Answer: Option B. -> To render legal advice to the central government

Question 3.

Which of the
following do not match?

  1.     Article 129 : contempt of court
  2.     Article 131   : original jurisdiction
  3.     Article 136   : special leave
  4.     Article 137   : advisory opinion
Answer: Option D. -> Article 137   : advisory opinion

Question 4.

The constitution
of India declares Hindi as

  1.     The official language of the union
  2.     The language of communication between the state governments
  3.     The national language of India
  4.     The language of communication between the union government and the state governments
Answer: Option A. -> The official language of the union

Question 5.

Which of the
following provisions are not included in the Indian constitution?

The President can suspend any of the fundamental rights
during emergency.

The Prime Minister can dismiss any Chief Minister.

States have the power to amend any law enacted by the Parliament
on any subject in the concurrent list with the approval of the President.

The Governor can reserve any bill for consideration by the

the correct answer from the codes given below

  1.     1 and 2
  2.     2 and 3
  3.     3 and 4
  4.     1 and 4
Answer: Option A. -> 1 and 2

Question 6.

Assertion (a): the
state of Jammu and Kashmir as a special status.

(r): it was accorded by the Indian independence act, 1947
  1.     Both a and r are true and r is the correct explanation of a
  2.     Both a and r are true but r is not a correct explanation of a
  3.     A is true but r is false
  4.     A is false but r is true
Answer: Option C. -> A is true but r is false

Question 7.

Which of the following
is not in harmony with the system of rule of law?

Independent judiciary

Administrative courts

Administrative law

Discretionary powers of officers

Supremacy of law

the correct answer from the codes given below

  1.     1, 3 and 5
  2.     2, 3 and 4
  3.     3, 4 and 5
  4.     2, 4 and 5
Answer: Option B. -> 2, 3 and 4

Question 8.

Who among the
following acts as the chairman of the national integration council?

  1.     The Prime Minister
  2.     The Vice-President
  3.     The Union Home Minister
  4.     The Chief Justice of India
Answer: Option A. -> The Prime Minister

Question 9.

At the apex of the
subordinate criminal courts stands the

  1.     Court of session judge
  2.     Court of district judge
  3.     High court of the state
  4.     None of the above
Answer: Option A. -> Court of session judge

Question 10.

A member of Parliament can be disqualified on grounds of defection


1        If he voluntarily resigns from membership of the party on whose ticket he contested the election



2        If he votes or abstains from voting contrary to directions issued by the political party without prior permission



3        If he takes a stand contrary to the stand of the party


4        If the joins a political party other than the one on whose ticket he contested the election and got elected


  1.     2, 3 and 4
  2.     1, 2 and 4
  3.     1, 2 and 3
  4.     1, 3 and 4
Answer: Option A. -> 2, 3 and 4