Constitutional Framework - 07(Ias > Polity > Polity Assessments ) Questions and Answers

Question 1.

Under the Indian constitution, the responsibility for the
enforcement of fundamental rights rests with

  1.     The High Courts
  2.     All the courts
  3.     The Supreme Court
  4.     Both a and c
Answer: Option D. -> Both a and c

Question 2.

Which one of the following fundamental rights is restrained by the
preventive detention act?

  1.     Right to religion
  2.     Right to constitutional remedies
  3.     Right to freedom
  4.     Right to equality
Answer: Option C. -> Right to freedom

Question 3.

Right to freedom can be restricted

  1.     In the interest of security of the state
  2.     In the interest of friendly relations with foreign states
  3.     In the interest of public order
  4.     On all the above grounds
Answer: Option D. -> On all the above grounds

Question 4.

Which one of the following freedoms enshrined in article 19 of the
constitution has since been abolished?

  1.     Freedom to assemble peacefully without arms
  2.     Freedom to acquire, hold and dispose of property
  3.     Freedom to reside and settle in any part of the country
  4.     Freedom to carry on any profession, occupation, trade or business
Answer: Option B. -> Freedom to acquire, hold and dispose of property

Question 5.

Right to private property was dropped from the list of fundamental
rights by the

  1.     42nd amendment
  2.     44th amendment
  3.     52nd amendment
  4.     None of the above
Answer: Option B. -> 44th amendment

Question 6.

Who has been vested with the power to decide whether the
restrictions imposed on the fundamental rights of Indian citizen are
reasonable or not?

  1.     The Parliament
  2.     The President
  3.     The courts
  4.     None of the above
Answer: Option C. -> The courts

Question 7.

The fundamental rights of the Indian citizens were

  1.     Incorporated in the original constitution
  2.     Outlined in an act of Parliament passed in 1952
  3.     Incorporated by the 42nd amendment
  4.     Incorporated by the 44th amendment
Answer: Option A. -> Incorporated in the original constitution

Question 8.

Which one of the following fundamental rights was described by Dr.
B. R. Ambedkar as 'the heart and soul of the constitution'

  1.     Right to equality
  2.     Right to religion
  3.     Right to constitutional remedies
  4.     All the above
Answer: Option C. -> Right to constitutional remedies

Question 9.

Under the provisions of which article of the constitution the
government abolished the practice of untouchability?

  1.     Article 14
  2.     Article 15
  3.     Article 16
  4.     Article 17
Answer: Option D. -> Article 17