Redox Reactions(11th And 12th > Chemistry ) Questions and Answers

Question 1.

A reducing agent is a substance which can

  1.     Accept electron
  2.     Donate electrons
  3.     Accept protons
  4.     Donate protons
Answer: Option B. -> Donate electrons

A substance which is capable of reducing other substances by donating electrons is called a reducing agent or reductant or  reducer.

Question 2.

Which of the following behaves as both oxidising and reducing agents

  1.     H2SO4
  2.     SO2
  3.     H2S
  4.     HNO3
Answer: Option B. -> SO2

In SO2, sulphur has a +4 oxidation state. In H2SO4, Sulphur exhibits its highest oxidation state of +6.
On the other hand - in H2S, sulphur exists in its lowest -2 oxidation state. Thus, we can surmise
that SO2 could act as both an oxidising agent as well as a reducing agent. Nitrogen exhibits its highest oxidation
state of +5 in HNO3.

Question 3.

Which of the following cannot work as oxidising agent?

  1.     O2
  2.     KMnO4
  3.     I2
  4.     None of these
Answer: Option C. -> I2

Both KMnO4 and O2 are well known oxidizing agents. Of the given options I2 is a reducing agent.

Question 4.

Which of the following is the most powerful oxidizing agent

  1.     F2
  2.     Cl2
  3.     Br2
  4.     I2
Answer: Option A. -> F2

Fluorine is the most powerful oxidising agent as reflected by a very high reduction potential of nearly 2.87.

Question 5.

Several blocks of magnesium are fixed to the bottom of a ship to

  1.     Keep away the sharks
  2.     Make the ship lighter
  3.     Prevent action of water and salt
  4.     Prevent puncturing by under-sea rocks
Answer: Option C. -> Prevent action of water and salt

Magnesium provides cathodic protection and prevents rusting or corrosion thus preventing the action of water and salt.

Question 6.

In the reaction, 8Al + 3Fe3O44Al2O3 + 9Fe, the number of electrons transferred from reductant to oxidant is:

  1.     8
  2.     4
  3.     7
  4.     24
Answer: Option D. -> 24
Elemental metallic Aluminium carries an oxidation number of 0.
From the products, we see that 0Al becomes 3+Al3+.
Clearly, Aluminium is the reducing agent.
There are 8 Aluminium atoms on the left and they all become Al3+.
So overall, there are 24 electrons transferred. 

Question 7.

When KMnO4 acts as an oxidising agent and ultimately forms [MnO4]2, MnO2, Mn2O3, Mn+2 then the number of electrons transferred in each case respectively is

  1.     4, 3, 1, 5 
  2.     1, 5, 3, 7
  3.     1, 3, 4, 5
  4.     3, 5, 7, 1
Answer: Option C. -> 1, 3, 4, 5

This has to be answered based on the oxidation number of the central metal atom in each case.
To start with Mn has +7 oxidation number in KMnO4. Likewise, we have
The number of electrons transferred in each case is 1, 3, 4, 5 respectively.

Question 8.

Strongest reducing agent is

  1.     F
  2.     Cl
  3.     Br
  4.     I
Answer: Option D. -> I

I act as a more reducing agent than other ions.

Question 9.

An element A in a compound ABD has oxidation number A n-. It is oxidised by Cr2O27 in acidic medium. In the experiment 1.68×103 x moles ofK2Cr2O7 were used for 3.26×103 moles of ABD. The new oxidation number of A after oxidation is:

  1.     3
  2.     3-n
  3.     n-3
  4.     +n
Answer: Option B. -> 3-n

First - let us write down the reaction:
From stoichiometry, we have:
Equivalents of Cr2O27 = equivalents of ABD
Solving, we get x=3
Hence, the new oxidation number is: 3-n

Question 10.

In the reaction 2Ag + 2H2SO4Ag2SO4 + 2H2O + SO2  sulphuric acid acts as

  1.     An oxidizing agent
  2.     A reducing agent
  3.     A catalyst
  4.     An acid as well as an oxidant
Answer: Option A. -> An oxidizing agent

The sulphur in H2SO4 gets reduced from a +6 oxidation state to +4 in SO2.
Also, we see that Ag0 becomes Ag+1.

This shows that sulphur has gained electrons and got reduced thereby oxidizing others.
So H2SO4 acts as an oxidizing agent.