Central Government - 03(Ias > Polity > Polity Assessments ) Questions and Answers

Question 1.

Who presides over the meetings of the Council of Ministers?

  1.     The Prime Minister
  2.     The President
  3.     Cabinet secretary
  4.     Different ministers by rotation
Answer: Option A. -> The Prime Minister


Question 2.

Which of the following is not the power of the Prime Minister?

  1.     Recommend the names of the ministers for appointment
  2.     Advise the President
  3.     Appoint the speaker of the LokSabha
  4.     Head the government
Answer: Option C. -> Appoint the speaker of the LokSabha

Option: (c)

Question 3.

The members of the Council of Ministers are

  1.     Appointed by the Prime Minister
  2.     Appointed by the President on the recommendation of the Parliament
  3.     Appointed by the President on the advice of the Prime Minister
  4.     Appointed by the President at his discretion
Answer: Option C. -> Appointed by the President on the advice of the Prime Minister


Question 4.

With regard to the re-election of the vice-President

  1.     The constitution is absolutely silent
  2.     The constitution places a clear ban
  3.     The constitution permits re-election only once
  4.     The constitution permits re-election for a maximum of two terms
Answer: Option A. -> The constitution is absolutely silent


Question 5.

The Prime Minister holds office

  1.     For a fixed term of five years
  2.     During the pleasure of the President
  3.     As long as he enjoys the confidence of Parliament especially the LokSabha
  4.     As long as he enjoys the confidence of the Council of Ministers
Answer: Option C. -> As long as he enjoys the confidence of Parliament especially the LokSabha

Option: (c)

Question 6.

The Council of Ministers is collectively responsible to

  1.     The President of India
  2.     The LokSabha
  3.     The Prime Minister
  4.     The RajyaSabha
Answer: Option B. -> The LokSabha


Question 7.

Consider the following statements with regard to the vice-President of India.
1. The vice-President is the ex-officio chairman of the RajyaSabha.
2. The vice-President discharges the duties of the President in case his office falls vacant due to death.
3. In the event of the death of the President, the vice-President assumes the responsibilities of the office of the President for the unexpired term.
4. In the event of the death of the President the vice-President acts as President for a maximum period of six months.
Of these statements

  1.     1, 2 and 3 are correct
  2.     2 and 3 are correct
  3.     1 and 4 are correct
  4.     1, 2 and 4 are correct
Answer: Option D. -> 1, 2 and 4 are correct

Option: (d)

Question 8.

Generally, the Prime Minister is

  1.     The senior most member of the Parliament
  2.     The leader of the majority party in the Parliament
  3.     A close friend of the President
  4.     Not a member of Parliament
Answer: Option B. -> The leader of the majority party in the Parliament

Option: (b)

Question 9.

The members of the Council of Ministers can be dismissed by the President

  1.     On his own
  2.     On the recommendation of the Prime Minister
  3.     On the recommendation of the LokSabha
  4.     On the recommendation of the speaker of the LokSabha
Answer: Option B. -> On the recommendation of the Prime Minister

Option: (b)

Question 10.

A person can be a member of the Council of Ministers without being a member of the Parliament for a maximum period of

  1.     One year
  2.     Six months
  3.     Three months
  4.     One month
Answer: Option B. -> Six months

Option: (b)