Rotation The Laws(11th And 12th > Physics ) Questions and Answers

Question 1.

If net external force on a body adds up to zero, which of the following statements are not necessarily true?

  1.     Linear acceleration of the centre of mass is zero
  2.     Angular acceleration of the body has to be zero
  3.     Net External torque about any point need not be zero
  4.     Angular momentum about any axis may not be conserved
Answer: Option B. -> Angular acceleration of the body has to be zero

Angular acceleration of the body may not necessarily be zero about any axis about which net external torque is non-zero.

Question 2.

A uniform cylinder of radius R is spinned about its axis to the angular velocity ω0 and then placed into a corner, see the figure. The coefficient of friction between the corner walls and the cylinder is μk. How many turns will the cylinder accomplish before it stops? 

A Uniform Cylinder Of Radius R Is Spinned About Its Axis To ...

  1.     (1+μk)2ω20R8πμk(1+μk)g
  2.     (1+μ2k)ω20R8πμk(1+μk)g
  3.     (1+μ2k)ω20R4πμk(1+μk)g
  4.     (1+μ2k)ω20R8πμk(1+μ2k)6g
Answer: Option B. -> (1+μ2k)ω20R8πμk(1+μk)g

As the centre of mass of the cylinder does not accelerate, hence F=0

Fx=0,N2μkN1=0                                  ...(1)
Fx=0,N1μkN2mg=0                            ...(2)
Solving these equations: N1=mg1+μ2k,N2=μkmg1+μ2k
A Uniform Cylinder Of Radius R Is Spinned About Its Axis To ...

The torque on the cylinder about the axis of rotation

The moment of inertia about axis of rotation 1cm=12mR2

The torque equation T=1α

Using equation ω2=ω20+2α θ, Calculate the angular displacement θ,

Revolution accomplished,




Question 3.

Consider a body shown in the figure below, consisting of two identical balls, each of mass 'M' connected by a light rigid rod of length 'L'.  If an impulse, J = Mv is imparted to the body at one of its ends, what would be its angular velocity?
Consider A Body Shown In The Figure Below, Consisting Of Two...

  1.     vL
  2.     2vL
  3.     v3L
  4.     v4L
Answer: Option A. -> vL
Initial angular momentum of the system about point O
= Linear momentum × Perpendicular distance of linear momentum from the axis of rotation =Mv(L2)...(i)
Final angular momentum of the system about point O=I1ω+I2ω=(I1+I2)ω
=[M(L2)2+M(L2)2]ω      .....(ii)
Applying the law of conservation of angular momentum
Mv(L2)=2M(L2)2ω                     ω=vL
Consider A Body Shown In The Figure Below, Consisting Of Two...

Question 4.

The position of a particle is given by r=(ˆi+2ˆjˆk) and momentum P=(3ˆi+4ˆj2ˆk). The direction of angular momentum is perpendicular to

  1.     X-axis 
  2.     Y-axis 
  3.     Z-axis 
  4.     Line at equal angles to all the three axes
Answer: Option A. -> X-axis 


and the X-axis is given by i+0ˆj+0ˆk 

Question 5.

A solid cylinder of mass 2 kg and radius 0.2 m is rotating about its own axis without friction with angular velocity 3 rad/s. A particle of mass 0.5 kg moving with a velocity 5 m/s strikes the cylinder and sticks to it as shown in figure below. The angular momentum of the cylinder before collision will be 
A Solid Cylinder Of Mass 2 Kg And Radius 0.2 M is Rotating ...

  1.     0.12 J-s
  2.     12 J-s
  3.     1.2 J-s
  4.     1.1.2 J-s
Answer: Option A. -> 0.12 J-s
Angular momentum of the cylinder before collision L=Iω=12MR2ω=12(2)(0.2)2×3=0.12 Js.

Question 6.

If the angular momentum of a rotating body is increased by 200%, then its kinetic energy of rotation will be increased by

  1.     400%
  2.     800%
  3.     200%
  4.     100%
Answer: Option B. -> 800%
As               E=L22IE2E1=(L2L1)2=(3L1L1)2             [As L2=L1+200%.L1=3L1]
E2=9E1=E1+800% of E1

Question 7.

An automobile engine develops 100 kW when rotating at a speed of 1800 rev/min. What torque does it deliver

  1.     350 N-m
  2.     440 N-m
  3.     531 N-m
  4.     628 N-m
Answer: Option C. -> 531 N-m

Question 8.

A ring of radius 0.5 m and mass 10 kg is rotating about its diameter with an angular velocity of 20 rad/s. Its kinetic energy is

  1.     10 J
  2.     100 J
  3.     500 J
  4.     250 J
Answer: Option D. -> 250 J
Rotational kinetic energy 12Iω2=12(12MR2)ω2=12(12×10×(0.5)2)(20)2=250J

Question 9.

A hollow sphere of radius 'R' rests on a horizontal surface of finite coefficient of friction. A point object of mass 'm' moved horizontally and hits the sphere at a height of 'R/2' above its center. The collision is instantaneous and completely inelastic. Which of the following is/are correct ?
A Hollow Sphere Of Radius 'R' Rests On A Horizontal Surface ...

  1.     Total linear momentum of the system is not conserved
  2.     Total angular  momentum about center of mass of the system remains conserved
  3.     The sphere gets finite angular velocity immediately after collision
  4.     The sphere moves with finite speed immediately after collision
Answer: Option D. -> The sphere moves with finite speed immediately after collision
A, C, and D
Impulse due to normal reaction is finite. So friction force gives finite impulse. Therefore frictional torque causes a finite angular impulse about center of mass of system so angular momentum about center of mass of system will change. All other options are correct.

Question 10.

A particle of mass 'm' is projected with velocity 'v' making an angle of 45 with the horizontal.  The magnitude of the angular momentum of the projectile about the point of projection when the particle is at its maximum height 'h' is

  1.     Zero 
  2.     mv34g 
  3.     mv32g 
  4.     m2gh3 
Answer: Option D. -> m2gh3 
Further L=mvxh
But h=v2sin2452g