Waves On A String(11th And 12th > Physics ) Questions and Answers

Question 1.

What is the equation of a sinusoidal wave moving in the positive x direction with wave length 6 m and time period 0.5s. The amplitude of the wave is 5 m.

  1.     y=6sin(2π5x4πt)
  2.     y=5sin(π3x4πt)
  3.     y=5sin(xt)
  4.     None of these
Answer: Option B. -> y=5sin(π3x4πt)

here λ=6m



given,amplitude =5m

y=5 sin(π3x4πt)

[the standard equation is y=Asin(kx-ω t)]

Question 2.

The equation y = A sin2 (kx  ωt) represents a wave motion with

  1.     amplitude A, frequency ω2π
  2.     amplitude A2, frequency ωπ
  3.     amplitude 2A, frequencyω4π
  4.     does not represent a wave motion
Answer: Option B. -> amplitude A2, frequency ωπ


This  is not ideal equation of wave we don't have sin2θ in ideal equation so let's remove the square.

Use trigonometry







So amplitude =A2

angular frequency(ω)=2ω


Question 3.

A sinusoidal wave propagates along a string in figure (a) and (b). 'y' represents displacement of particle from the mean position. 'x' & 't' have usual meanings. Find:

1. Wavelength, frequency and speed of the wave

2. Maximum velocity and maximum acceleration of the particles

A Sinusoidal Wave Propagates Along A String In Figure (a) An...

A Sinusoidal Wave Propagates Along A String In Figure (a) An...

  1.     2m, 0.25 Hz, 2 ms1, 1.5 mms1, 0.75 mms2
  2.     4m, 0.25 Hz, 10 ms1, 1.5 πmms1, 0.75 mms2
  3.     4m, 0.25 Hz, 1 ms1, 1.5 πmms1, 0.75 π2mms2
  4.     None of these
Answer: Option C. -> 4m, 0.25 Hz, 1 ms1, 1.5 πmms1, 0.75 π2mms2

From the y-t graph we can see the wave repeats itself on interval of 4s. So the time period is 4s. from the y-x graph we see that the distance between the points after which the wave repeats itself is 4m. Hence the wave length is 4m.

A Sinusoidal Wave Propagates Along A String In Figure (a) An...

A Sinusoidal Wave Propagates Along A String In Figure (a) An...


v=λf=414=1 ms−1

vp max=Aω


=3××2π×0.25  [A=3 from y vst graph]



34π2=0.075 π2mms−2

Question 4.

A wave pulse is travelling on a string with a speed v towards the positive X-axis. The shape of the string at t = 0 is given by g(x) =A sin(xa) where A and a are constants. Write the equation of the wave for a general time t, if the wave speed is v.

  1.     g(x)=A sin(x+vta)
  2.     g(x)=A sin(xa)
  3.     g(x)=A sin(xvta)
  4.     g(x)=A sin(xt+va)
Answer: Option C. -> g(x)=A sin(xvta)

Given shape of the wave at t=0

g(x)=A sin(xa)

let's say the wave looks like

A Wave Pulse Is Travelling On A String With A Speed V Toward...

It's wave speed is v. After time t, the wave would have moved vt.

Now if at t = 0

The equation is g(x) = A sin(xa)

This wave was at x = x, t= t will be same as the wave at x= x-vt at t = 0 

So at t = 0 g(x) = A sin x−vta

Alternate Solution:- Given g(x) = A sin (xa)

General equation A sin (kx - ωt)

Question 5.

A wave propagates on a string in the positive x-direction at a velocity v. The shape of the string at t = t0 is given by g(x, t0) = A sin (xa) Write the wave equation for a general time t.

  1.     A sin[xav(tt0)]
  2.     A sin[xv(tt0)a]
  3.     A sin[x+v(tt0)a]
  4.     None of these
Answer: Option B. -> A sin[xv(tt0)a]

Here given is g(x,t0)=A sin(xa)  at t = t0

Comparing with the general equation g(x,t)=A sin(kxωt+ϕ)

We get at t = t0




We also known that k=ωv


so we get

g(x,t)=A sin(xavta+vt0a)

g(x,t)=A sin[xavta+vt0a]

=A sin(xv(tt0)a)

Question 6.

The displacement of a particle of a string carrying a travelling wave is given by y= (3.0 cm) sin 6.28(0.50x - 50 t),

where x is in centimeter and t in second. Find

(i) the amplitude (p) 50

(ii) the wavelength (q) 3

(iii) the frequency(r) 2

(iv) the speed                            (s) 100

  1.     (i) - (r); (ii) - (p); (iii) - (s); (iv) - (q)
  2.     (i) - (q); (ii) - (r); (iii) - (p); (iv) - (s)
  3.     (i) - (p); (ii) - (q); (iii) - (r); (iv) - (s)
  4.     (i) - (s); (ii) - (r); (iii) - (q); (iv) - (p)
Answer: Option B. -> (i) - (q); (ii) - (r); (iii) - (p); (iv) - (s)

The standard wave equation for a wave is y = A sin (kx ωt)

Given equation y = 3 sin 6.28 (0.5x 50t)

 y = 3 sin (6.28 × 0.5x  6.28× 50 t)

Comparing we get

amplitude A = 3 cm

Right here, we can see that B is the only possible option, but we may as well calculate the other values too.

Wave number k=2πλ=6.28×0.5

 λ =2πk=2cm

Angular frequency ω=6.28×50

Frequency f=1T=ω2π=6.28×502×3.14

f=50 Hz

wave speed =λT=2×50=100cms

Question 7.

On December 2006, a great earthquake occurred off the coast of Sumatra and triggered immense waves (Tsunami) that killed some 200,000 people. Satellites observing these waves from space measured 800 km from one wave crest to the next and a period between waves of 1 hr. what was the speed of the wave?

  1.     400 km/hr
  2.     1600 km/hr
  3.     800 km/hr
  4.     Data insufficient
Answer: Option C. -> 800 km/hr

crest to crest distance is wavelength λ = 800 km 

Time period: Time taken for wave to travel a distance of one wavelength = 1 hr

Wave velocity = DistanceTime = 1wavelength(λ)Time period(T)

800 km1 = 800 km/hr

Question 8.

The equation of a wave travelling on a string stretched along the X-axis is given by y=A e(xa+tT)2

Where is the maximum of the pulse located at t = T? 

  1.     a
  2.     -a
  3.     1a
  4.     2a
Answer: Option B. -> -a

y=A e(xa+tT)2

at t=T the pulse would be

y=A e(xa+1)2

dydx=2Aa(xa+1) e(xa+1)2

dydx=0   xa+1=0


Question 9.

Consider two waves passing through the same string. Principle of superposition for displacement says that the net displacement of a particle on the string is sum of the displacements produced by the two waves individually. Suppose we state similar principles for the net velocity of the particle and the net kinetic energy of the particle. Such a principle will be valid for

  1.     Both the velocity and the kinetic energy
  2.     The velocity but not for the kinetic energy
  3.     The kinetic energy but not for the velocity
  4.     Neither the velocity nor the kinetic energy.
Answer: Option B. -> The velocity but not for the kinetic energy

According to principle of super position


Here y1&y2 are particle displacement vectors

differentiating with respect to time.



Here velocities are vectors.

So yes the superposition law is applicable to velocities.

Now let us square both sides


v2net=v12+v22+2v1v2 (all are magnitudes)

So clearly the law of super position is not applicable for net kinetic energy.

Question 10.

Which of these is a wave/pulse equation?

  1.     y = Ae  (ax + bt)2
  2.     y = A sin (ax  bt2)
  3.     y = A sin (ax + bt)
  4.     y = (ax + bt)3
Answer: Option B. -> y = A sin (ax  bt2)
A, C, and D
Any wave/pulse equation is of the form f(ax + bt). So,  only (a), (c) and (d) are of that form!