Principles Of Management(12th Grade > Business Studies ) Questions and Answers

Question 1.

Values do not have moral connotations. 

  1.     True
  2.     False
Answer: Option B. -> False

False. Values have a moral connotation. 

Question 2.

Factory owners or manager relied on their personal judgment in attending problems they confronted in the course of managing their work. Which principle of Taylor is it referring to? 

  1.     Science not rule of thumb
  2.     Harmony, not discord 
  3.     Cooperation, not individualism
  4.     Development of each and every person to his or her greatest efficiency and prosperity 
Answer: Option A. -> Science not rule of thumb

 The principle of 'science not rule of thumb'. 

Question 3.

There should be complete cooperation between the management and workers instead of individualism. 

  1.     True 
  2.     False
  3.     It means that management and workers should transform their working style. 
  4.     All of the above. 
Answer: Option A. -> True 

True. There should be complete cooperation between the management and workers instead of individualism. Both, the worker and management should realise that they need each other. 

Question 4.

What does 'mental revolution' mean on the part of management and workers? 

  1.     It means that management and workers should transform their behaviour. 
  2.     It means that management and workers should transform their thinking. 
  3.     It means that management and workers should transform their working style. 
  4.     All of the above. 
Answer: Option B. -> It means that management and workers should transform their thinking. 

It means that management and workers should transform their thinking. 

Question 5.

Two points, which depict the features of management principles. 

  1.     1. Management principles are universal.  2. Management principles are flexible. 
  2.     1. Management principles are universal.  2. Management principles are rigid. 
  3.     1. Management principles are general.  2. Management principles are flexible. 
  4.     All of the above 
Answer: Option A. -> 1. Management principles are universal.  2. Management principles are flexible. 

1. Management principles are universal. 

2. Management principles are flexible. 

Question 6.

Under the planning incharge, he/ she is responsible to specify the route of production. 

  1.     Instruction card clerk 
  2.     Route clerk 
  3.     Time and cost clerk 
  4.     Disciplinarian 
Answer: Option B. -> Route clerk 

Under the planning incharge, route clerk is responsible to specify the route of production. 

Question 7.

Panchayats in our country have been given more powers to decide and spend funds granted to them by the government for the welfare of villages. This is ___ at a national level. 

  1.     Centralisation 
  2.     Decentralisation 
  3.     Both 
  4.     None of the above 
Answer: Option B. -> Decentralisation 

Panchayats in our country have been given more powers to decide and spend funds granted to them by the government for the welfare of villages. This is decentralisation at a national level. 

Question 8.

What does 'Gang Plank' in 'Scalar Chain' indicate about the nature of management principle? 

  1.     Management principles are rigid in nature.
  2.     Management principles are temporary in nature.
  3.     Management principles are consistent in nature.
  4.     Management principles are flexible in nature.
Answer: Option D. -> Management principles are flexible in nature.

'Gang Plank' in 'Scalar Chain' indicates that management principles are flexible in nature. 

Question 9.

Simplification aims to : 

1. Eliminate necessary diversity of products and thereby reduce costs. 

2. Each person should be scientifically selected and then assigned work as per their specialisation. 

  1.     Simplification aims to :  1. Eliminate necessary diversity of individuals and thereby reduce the cost. 2. Each person should be scientifically selected and then assigned work as per their specialisation. 
  2.     Simplification aims to :  1. Eliminate necessary diversity of products and thereby reduce costs.  2. Each person should be scientifically selected and then assigned work as per their specialisation. 
  3.     Simplification aims to :  1. Eliminate unnecessary diversity of products and thereby reduce costs.  2. Help in achieving economy in the use of required machines and tools. 
  4.     Simplification aims to :  1. Eliminate necessary ability of manufactured parts and products.  2. Each person should be scientifically selected and then assigned work as per their specialisation. 
Answer: Option C. -> Simplification aims to :  1. Eliminate unnecessary diversity of products and thereby reduce costs.  2. Help in achieving economy in the use of required machines and tools. 

Simplification aims to : 

1. Eliminate unnecessary diversity of products and thereby reduce costs. 

2. Help in achieving economy in the use of required machines and tools. 

Question 10.

Which principle of management focuses on specialisation? 

  1.     Unity of Command 
  2.     Unity of Direction 
  3.     Division of Work 
  4.     Authority and Responsibility 
Answer: Option C. -> Division of Work 

The principle that focuses on specialisation is 'Division of Work'.