Central Government - 10(Ias > Polity > Polity Assessments ) Questions and Answers

Question 1.

Which one of the following statements is correct?

  1.     The Prime Minister   of India chooses his ministers only from members of either house of the Parliament
  2.     The Prime Minister   chooses his cabinet colleagues after due consultation with the President of India
  3.     The Prime Minister   has full discretion in the choice of persons to be included in the Council of Ministers
  4.     The Prime Minister   has only limited power in the choice of the cabinet colleagues because of the discretionary powers vested with the President
Answer: Option C. -> The Prime Minister   has full discretion in the choice of persons to be included in the Council of Ministers

Question 2.

If the Prime Minister   is
taken from the Rajya Sabha

  1.     He has to get elected to the Lok Sabha within six months
  2.     He can make policy statements only in the Rajya Sabha
  3.     He cannot take part in the voting when a vote of no confidence is under consideration
  4.     He cannot take part in the budget deliberations in Lok Sabha
Answer: Option C. -> He cannot take part in the voting when a vote of no confidence is under consideration

Question 3.

The members of the Council of Ministers can be dismissed by the

  1.     On his own
  2.     On the recommendation of the Prime Minister
  3.     On the recommendation of the Lok Sabha
  4.     On the recommendation of the speaker of the Lok Sabha
Answer: Option B. -> On the recommendation of the Prime Minister

Question 4.

Though the Council of Ministers is collectively responsible to the
Lok Sabha, the individual ministers are constitutionally responsible to

  1.     The President
  2.     The Prime Minister
  3.     The speaker
  4.     None of the above
Answer: Option A. -> The President

Question 5.

A person can be a member of the Council of Ministers without being
a member of the Parliament for a maximum period of

  1.     One year
  2.     Six months
  3.     Three months
  4.     One month
Answer: Option B. -> Six months

Question 6.

Which of the following is not the power of the Prime Minister?

  1.     Recommend the names of the ministers for appointment
  2.     Advise the President
  3.     Appoint the speaker of the Lok Sabha
  4.     Head the government
Answer: Option C. -> Appoint the speaker of the Lok Sabha

Question 7.

Generally, the Prime Minister  

  1.     The senior most member of the Parliament
  2.     The leader of the majority party in the Parliament
  3.     A close friend of the President
  4.     Not a member of Parliament
Answer: Option B. -> The leader of the majority party in the Parliament

Question 8.

The Prime Minister   holds

  1.     For a fixed term of five years
  2.     During the pleasure of the President
  3.     As long as he enjoys the confidence of Parliament especially the Lok Sabha
  4.     As long as he enjoys the confidence of the Council of Ministers
Answer: Option C. -> As long as he enjoys the confidence of Parliament especially the Lok Sabha

Question 9.

If a vote of 'no confidence' is passed against a minister

  1.     He has to tender his resignation
  2.     The whole Council of Ministers has to resign
  3.     The minister as well as the Prime Minister   have to tender their resignation
  4.     None of the above
Answer: Option B. -> The whole Council of Ministers has to resign