Units And Dimensions(11th And 12th > Physics ) Questions and Answers

Question 1.

If radius of the sphere is (5.3 ± 0.1)cm. Then percentage error in its volume will be        

  1.     3+6.01 ×1005.3
  2.     13× 0.01 ×1005.3
  3.     (3×0.15.3)×100
  4.     0.15.3×100
Answer: Option C. -> (3×0.15.3)×100

                   Volume of sphere (v) = 43πγ3
Percentage error in volume =3 ×Δγγ× 100 = (3 ×0.15.3)× 100

Question 2.

The pressure on a square plate is measured by measuring the force on the plate and the length of the sides of the plate. If the maximum error in the measurement of force and length are respectively 4% and 2%, The maximum error in the measurement of pressure is     

  1.     1%
  2.     2%
  3.     6%
  4.     8%
Answer: Option D. -> 8%

P=FA=Fl2, So maximum error in pressure (P)
(   ΔPP×100)max=ΔFF×100+2Δl1×100


Question 3.

The position of a particle at time t is given by the relation  x(t)= (v0α)(1cat) where v0 and α are constants . The dimensions of v0 and α are respectively

  1.     M0LT1 and T1
  2.     M0L1T0 and T1
  3.     M0L1T1 and LT2
  4.     M0L1T1 and T
Answer: Option A. -> M0LT1 and T1

Dimension of α t = [M0L0T0] [α]=[T1]
Again [v0α]= [L] so [v0]=[LT1]

Question 4.

While measuring the acceleration due to gravity by a simple pendulum, a student makes a positive error of 1% in the length of the pendulum and a negative error of 3% in the value of time period. His percentage error in the measurement of g by the relation g=4π2(lT2)  will be

  1.     2%
  2.     4%
  3.     7%
  4.     10%
Answer: Option C. -> 7%

Percentage error in g=(% error in l) + 2(% error in T)=1%+2(3%)=7%

Question 5.

The length, breadth, and thickness of a block are given by l = 12 cm, b = 6 cm and t = 2.45 cm The volume of the block according to the idea of significant figures should be

  1.     1 ×102 cm3
  2.     2 ×102 cm3
  3.     1.763 ×102 cm3
  4.     None of these
Answer: Option B. -> 2 ×102 cm3

Volume V = l × b × t

= 12 × 6 × 2.45 = 176.4 cm3

V = 176.4 ×102 cm3

Since, the minimum number of significant figure is one in breadth, hence volume will also contain only one significant figure. Hence, V = 2 ×102 cm3.

Question 6.

The velocity v (in cm / sec) of a particle is given in terms of time t(in sec) by the relation v = α t + bt+c ; the dimensions of a, b and c are 

  1.     a = L2, b = T, c = LT2
  2.     a = LT2, b = LT, c = L
  3.     a = LT2, b = L, c = T
  4.     a = L, b = LT, c = T2
Answer: Option C. -> a = LT2, b = L, c = T

From the principle of dimensional homogeneity [v] = [αt][α]=[LT2]. similarly [b] = [L] and [c] = [T]

Question 7.

From the equation tan θ=rgv2 , one can obtain the angle of banking θ for a cyclist taking a curve (the symbols have their usual meanings). Then say, it is

  1.     Both dimensionally and numerically correct
  2.     Neither numerically nor dimensionally correct
  3.     Dimensionally correct only
  4.     Numerically correct only
Answer: Option C. -> Dimensionally correct only

Given equation is dimensionally correct because both sides are dimensionless but numerically wrong because the correct equation is tan θ=v2rg.

Question 8.

The SI unit of universal gas constant (R) is

  1.     Watt K1 mol1
  2.     Newton K1 mol1
  3.     Joule K1 mol1
  4.     Erg K1 mol1
Answer: Option C. -> Joule K1 mol1

PV = nRT R = PVnT = Joulemole×Kelvin=JK1mol1

Question 9.

A dimensionally consistent relation for the volume V of a liquid of coefficient of viscosity η flowing per second through a tube of radius r  and length l and having a pressure difference P across its end, is

  1.     V=πPγ48ηl
  2.     V=πηl8Pγ4
  3.     V=8Pηlπγ4
  4.     V = πPη8lγ4
Answer: Option A. -> V=πPγ48ηl

Formula for viscosity η=πPγ48Vl V = πPγ48ηl

Question 10.

From the dimensional consideration, which of the following equation is correct

  1.     T = 2πR3GM
  2.     T =2πGMR3
  3.     T =2πGMR2
  4.     T =2πR2GM
Answer: Option A. -> T = 2πR3GM
By substituting the dimension in T = 2πR3GM
we get L3M1L3T2×M =T