Magnetic Effects Of Current(11th And 12th > Physics ) Questions and Answers

Question 1.

A straight wire of length (π2) metre is carrying a current of 2A and the magnetic field due to it is measured at a point distant 1 cm from it. If the wire is to be bent into a circle and is to carry the same current as before, the ratio of the magnetic field at its centre to that obtained in the first case would be

  1.     50 : 1
  2.     1 : 50
  3.     100 : 1
  4.     1 : 100
Answer: Option B. -> 1 : 50
If a wire of length l is bant in the form of a circle of radius r then
2πr=l  r=l2π
Magnetic field due to straight wire B1=μ04π.2ir=μ04π×2×21×102 also magnetic
field due to circular loop B2=μ04π.2πir=μ04π.2π×2π/2  B2B1=150
A Straight Wire Of Length (π2) metre Is Carrying A Current...

Question 2.

In the figure, shown the magnetic induction at the centre of there arc due to the current in portion AB will be
In The Figure, Shown The Magnetic Induction At The Centre Of...

  1.     μ0ir
  2.     μ0i2r
  3.     μ0i4r
  4.     Zero
Answer: Option D. -> Zero

The magnetic induction at O due to the current in portion AB will be zero because it lies on AB when extended.

Question 3.

A current I flows along the length of an infinitely long, straight and thin-walled pipe. Choose the correct option?

  1.     The magnetic field at all points inside the pipe is the same but not zero
  2.     The magnetic field at any point inside the pipe is zero
  3.     The magnetic field is zero only on the axis of the pipe
  4.     The magnetic field is different at different points inside the pipe
Answer: Option B. -> The magnetic field at any point inside the pipe is zero
Applying Ampere's law B.dl=μ0i to any closed path inside the pipe, we can understand that as the currect enclosed inside it is zero, the magnetic field will be equal to zero.

Question 4.

A long solenoid has 200 turns per cm and carries a current of 2.5 amps. The magnetic field at its centre is (μ0=4π×107weber/ampm)

  1.     3.14×102 weber/m2
  2.     6.28×102 weber/m2
  3.     9.42×102 weber/m2
  4.     12.56×102 weber/m2
Answer: Option B. -> 6.28×102 weber/m2
B=μ0ni=4π×107×200102×2.5=6.28×102 Wb/m2

Question 5.

Two long wires are hanging freely. They are joined first in parallel and then in series and then are connected with a battery. In both cases, which type of force acts between the two wires

  1.     Attraction force when in parallel and repulsion force when in series
  2.     Repulsion force when in parallel and attraction force when in series
  3.     Repulsion force in both cases
  4.     Attraction force in both cases
Answer: Option A. -> Attraction force when in parallel and repulsion force when in series
When connected in parallel the current will be in the same direction hence the wires attract each other and when connected in series the current will be in the opposite direction. Hence they repel each other.
Two Long Wires Are Hanging Freely. They Are Joined First In ...


Question 6.

Current i flows through a long conducting wire bent at right angle as shown in figure. The magnetic field at a point P on the right bisector of the angle XOY at a distance r from O is
Current I Flows Through A Long Conducting Wire Bent At Right...

  1.     μ0iπr
  2.     2μ0iπr
  3.     μ0i4πr(2+1)
  4.     μ04π.2ir(2+1)
Answer: Option D. -> μ04π.2ir(2+1)
By using B=μ04π.id(sinϕ1+sinϕ2), from figure d=r sin45=r2
Magnetic field due to each wire at P B=μ04π.i(r/2)(sin45+sin90)
Hence net magnetic field at P Bnet=2×μ04π.ir(2+1)
Current I Flows Through A Long Conducting Wire Bent At Right...

Question 7.

Two very long, straight and parallel wires carry steady currents I and I respectively. The distance between the wires is d. At a certain instant of time, a point charge q is at a point equidistant from the two wires in the plane of the wires. Its instantaneous velocity v is perpendicular to this plane. The magnitude of the force due to the magnetic field acting on the charge at this instant is                                         

  1.     μ0Iqv2πd                            
  2.     μ0Iqvπd
  3.     2μ0Iqvπd
  4.     0
Answer: Option D. -> 0
According to gives information following figure can be drawn, which shows that direction of magnetic field is along the direction of motion of charge so net force on it is zero. 
if the currents are parallel then the net magnetic field at midpoint will be zero, Hence, no magnetic force acts on it.
Two Very Long, Straight And Parallel Wires Carry Steady Curr...

Question 8.

A long vertical wire carrying a current of 1A in the upward direction is placed in a region where a horizontal magnetic field of 2.0×104T exists from south to north. Find the point where the resultant magnetic field is zero.

  1.     1.0mm, to the west of the wire
  2.     1.0 mm, to the East of the wire
  3.     2.0 mmm to the North of the wire
  4.     2.0 mm, to the South of the wire
Answer: Option A. -> 1.0mm, to the west of the wire
r=103m west of the wire
= 1.0 mm west of the wire
A Long Vertical Wire Carrying A Current Of 1A In The Upward ...

Question 9.

The magnetic field at the centre of the circular coil carrying current of 4A is
The Magnetic Field At The Centre Of The Circular Coil Carryi...

  1.     8π3×105T
  2.     8π3×104T
  3.     2π×105T
  4.     2π×104T
Answer: Option C. -> 2π×105T

Question 10.

A closed circuit is in the form of a regular hexagon of side a. If the circuit carries current I, What is magnetic induction at the cetre of the hexagon?

  1.     3μ0iπa
  2.     3μ0iπa
  3.     zero 
  4.     None
Answer: Option A. -> 3μ0iπa
A Closed Circuit Is In The Form Of A Regular Hexagon Of Side...