Living Organisms And Their Surroundings(6th Grade > Biology ) Questions and Answers

Question 1.

Which of the following processes occurs only in plant?

  1.     Respiration
  2.     Excretion
  3.     Transpiration
  4.     Digestion 
Answer: Option C. -> Transpiration
Transpiration is the process by which plants lose water in the form of water vapour through pores called stomata on their leaves.
Cellular respiration occurs in all living organisms to obtain energy.
Excretion is the process by which waste products are removed out from the organisms.
Digestion of food is a process that takes place in higher organisms like insects, birds and mammals.

Question 2.

Fishes absorb the oxygen dissolved in water through their ________ .

  1.     gills  
  2.     lungs
  3.     skin
  4.     spiracles
Answer: Option A. -> gills  

Land animals, such as lions, have lungs to take in oxygen from the air. Fishes, on the other hand, cannot breathe in oxygen directly from the atmosphere. So they have specialised organs called gills to help them breathe in the oxygen dissolved in water.

Question 3.

If an insect goes and sits on the open mouth of the pitcher plant, the flap of the mouth closes shut. This response of pitcher plant is known as ________ .

If An Insect Goes And Sits On The Open Mouth Of The Pitcher ...

  1.     heating
  2.     stimulus
  3.     adaptation
  4.     acclimatisation
Answer: Option B. -> stimulus

Any change in the surroundings that causes the organisms to respond to them is known as a 'stimulus'. In this case, the insect is sitting on the open mouth of the pitcher plant, so touch is an stimulus here. It evokes the flap of the pitcher plant to shut, which is the response of the plant. 

Question 4.

All animals live in the same habitat.

  1.     True
  2.     False
  3.     Human
  4.     Rat
Answer: Option B. -> False
The environment where an organism lives is called its habitat. The organisms depend on their habitats for food, water, shelter and other needs. All organisms do not live in the same habitat.
According to their habitat, animals are divided mainly into the following groups:
Terrestrial animals are those which live entirely on land. E.g., horse, lion, etc.
Aquatic animals are creatures that live in water. E.g., fishes, whales, etc.
Amphibious animals, like frog, salamander and toad, live on both land and water.

Question 5.

When we use the term 'organisms', we mean:

  1.     All animals
  2.     All plants
  3.     All birds
  4.     All living things
Answer: Option D. -> All living things
Any thing that is classified as a living being is reffered to as an organism. This includes plants, animals, birds, insects, etc.

Question 6.

Which of the following organism do not give birth to young ones?

  1.     Blue whale
  2.     Lizard
  3.     Human
  4.     Rat
Answer: Option B. -> Lizard

Blue whales, rats and human beings are mammals. All mammals give birth to young ones, except platypus and echidna as they are egg-laying mammals. Lizards, on the other hand, are oviparous i.e., they lay eggs and they don't give birth to young ones.

Question 7.

Which of the following is/are the abiotic components in terrestrial habitats?

  1.     Lion
  2.     Fish
  3.     Rock
  4.     Deer
Answer: Option C. -> Rock
  The living things in a habitat are its biotic components whereas non living things in a habitat are its abiotic components.
  Rock, air, water and sunlight are the abiotic components in a habitat. All the plants and animals are the biotic components in a terrestrial habitats and fish is the biotic component in aquatic habitat.

Question 8.

The process by which living organisms get rid of their wastes is called ________ .

  1.     respiration
  2.     excretion
  3.     circulation
  4.     digestion
Answer: Option B. -> excretion
   The process by which the living organism get rid of their waste is called excretion.
   Digestion is the process during which food is broken down into nutrients.
   Circulation is the process where the nutrients and oxygen are carried to all the cells by the blood. 
   Respiration is the process in which nutrients are broken down with the help of oxygen in the cells. 

Question 9.

The environment in which an organism lives is called its ______.

  1.     habitat
  2.     atmosphere
  3.     components 
  4.     region
Answer: Option A. -> habitat
The environment in which an organism lives is called its habitat. The organisms depend on their habitat for their food, water, air, shelter and other needs. Habitat is the dwelling place of the animal or a plant. Several kinds of plants and animals may share the same habitat. 

Question 10.

Which of the following is not a terrrestrial habitat? 

  1.     Desert
  2.     Grasslands
  3.     Forests
  4.     Pond
Answer: Option D. -> Pond
   Aquatic habitat is an ecosystem present in a body of water. Ponds, oceans, seas and rivers are examples of aquatic habitats. 
   Terrestrial habitats are ones that are found on land, such as forests, grasslands and deserts.