Polity Misc - 06(Ias > Polity > Polity Assessments ) Questions and Answers

Question 1.

A finance commission is constituted by the President

  1.     Every two years
  2.     Every three years
  3.     Every five years
  4.     As and when he deems fit
Answer: Option C. -> Every five years

Question 2.

The Election Commission of India enjoys

  1.     A constitutional status
  2.     A statutory status
  3.     Neither constitutional nor statutory status
  4.     A legal basis only because it has been created by the Parliament
Answer: Option A. -> A constitutional status

Question 3.

The Election Commission generally consists of the chief Election Commissioner
and such other commissioners as

  1.     Prescribed by the constitution
  2.     Determined by the President from time to time
  3.     Determined by the Parliament from time to time
  4.     Recommended by the chief Election Commissioner
Answer: Option B. -> Determined by the President from time to time

Question 4.

The qualifications for the chairman and other members of the finance

  1.     Have been laid down in the constitution
  2.     Have been prescribed by the Parliament through an act passed in 1950
  3.     Are prescribed by the Parliament from time to time
  4.     Are prescribed by the President in consultation with the Chief Justice of India
Answer: Option C. -> Are prescribed by the Parliament from time to time

Question 5.

The chief Election Commissioner is

  1.     Elected by the Parliament
  2.     Appointed by the Prime Minister
  3.     Appointed by the union home minister
  4.     Appointed by the President
Answer: Option D. -> Appointed by the President

Question 6.

Who is responsible for keeping the voters' list up to date at all times?

  1.     The President
  2.     The Election Commission
  3.     The union home ministry
  4.     All the above
Answer: Option B. -> The Election Commission

Question 7.

The finance commission consists of a chairman and

  1.     Four other members
  2.     Five other members
  3.     Seven other members
  4.     Such other members as may be decided by the President from time to time
Answer: Option A. -> Four other members

Question 8.

The recommendations of the finance commission are

  1.     Binding on the President
  2.     Not binding on the President
  3.     Generally accepted as a matter of convention
  4.     Accepted or rejected by the government according to its convenience
Answer: Option C. -> Generally accepted as a matter of convention

Question 9.

The term of office, salaries and allowances of the chairman and other members
of the finance commission are determined by

  1.     The President
  2.     The Parliament
  3.     The union finance minister
  4.     The union cabinet
Answer: Option B. -> The Parliament

Question 10.

The finance commission submits its report to

  1.     The President
  2.     The speaker of the Lok Sabha
  3.     The comptroller and auditor general
  4.     None of the above
Answer: Option A. -> The President