Motion In Two Dimension(11th And 12th > Physics ) Questions and Answers

Question 1.

For a given velocity, a projectile has the same range R for two angles of projection. If t1 and t2 are the times of flight in the two cases then   

  1.     t1t2 α R2
  2.     t1t2 α R
  3.     t1t2 α 1R
  4.     t1t2 α 1R2
Answer: Option B. -> t1t2 α R

For same range angles of projection should be θ and 90 - θ
So, time of flights t1 = 2usinθg and
t2 = 2usin(90θ)g = 2ucosθg
By multiplying = t1t2 = 4u2sinθcosθg2
t1t2  = 2g (u2sin2θ)g = 2Rg t1t2 α R

Question 2.

A body of mass m is thrown upwards at an angle θ with the horizontal with speed v.  While rising up the speed of the mass after t seconds will be 

  1.     (vcosθ)2+(vsinθ)2
  2.     (vcosθ)2(vsinθ)2gt
  3.     v2+g2t2(2vsinθ)gt
  4.     v2+g2t2(2vcosθ)gt
Answer: Option C. -> v2+g2t2(2vsinθ)gt

Instantaeous speed of rising mass after t sec will be vt = vx2+vy2
where vx = v sin θ = Horizontal component of velocity 
vy = v sin θ - gt = Vertical component of velocity
vt = (vcosθ)2+(vsinθgt)2

Question 3.

A string of length L is fixed at one end and carries a mass M at the other end.  The string makes 2π revolutions per second around the vertical axis through the fixed end as shown in the figure, then tension in the string is 

  1.     ML    
  2.     2 ML
  3.     4 ML
  4.     16 ML
Answer: Option D. -> 16 ML

A String Of Length L Is Fixed At One End And Carries A Mass ...
T sin θ = M ω2 R
T sin θ = M ω2 L sin θ
From (i) and (ii)
T = M ω2 L
= M 4π2n2L
= M 4 π2(2π2)L
= 16 ML

Question 4.

A stone of mass 1 kg tied to a light inextensible string of length is whirling in a circular path of radius L  in a vertical plane. If the ratio of the maximum tension in the string to the minimum tension in the string is 4 and if g is taken to be 10 m/s2 , the speed of the stone at the highest point of the circle is
A Stone Of Mass 1 Kg Tied To A Light Inextensible String Of ...

  1.     20 m/sec
  2.     103 m/sec
  3.     52 m/sec
  4.     10 m/sec
Answer: Option D. -> 10 m/sec

Since the maximum tension TB in the string moving in the vertical circle is at the bottom and minimum tension TT is at the top.
TB = mvB2L = mg  and TT = mvT2L - mg
TBTT = mvB2L+mgmvT2Lmg or vB2+gLvT2+gL = 41
or vB2 + gL = 4vT2 - 4gL but vB2 = vT2 + 4gL
vT2 + 4gL +gL 3 vT2 = 3gL
vT2 = 3 × g × L = 3 × 10 × 103 or vT = 10 m/sec

Question 5.

If the sum of two unit vectors is a unit vector, then magnitude of difference is   

  1.     2
  2.     3
  3.     12
  4.     5
Answer: Option B. -> 3

Let ^n1 and ^n2 are the two unit vectors, then the sum is
ns = ^n1 + ^n2 or ns2 = n12 + n22 + 2n1n2cosθ
= 1 + 1 + 2cosθ
Since it is given that ns is also a unit vector, therefore 1 = 1+ 1 + 2 cos θ = cos θ = - 12 θ = 120
Now the difference vector is ^nd = ^n1 - ^n2 or n12 + n22 - 2n1n2cosθ = 1 + 1 - 2 cos(120
nd2 = 2 - 2(- 12) = 2 + 1 = 3 nd = 3

Question 6.

The resultant of two vectors A and B is perpendicular to the vector A and its magnitude is equal to half the magnitude of vector B. The angle between A and B is

  1.     120
  2.     150
  3.     135
  4.     None of these 
Answer: Option B. -> 150

B2 = A2+B2+2ABcosθ ..(i)
tan 90 = BsinθA+Bcosθ A + Bcosθ = 0
cos θ = - AB
Hence, from (i) B24 = A2+B22A2 A = 3B2
cos θ = - AB = - 32 θ = 150

Question 7.

A scooter going due east at 10 ms1 turns right through an angle of 90. If the speed of the scooter remains unchanged in taking turn, the change is the velocity of the scooter is

  1.     20.0 ms1 south eastern direction
  2.     Zero
  3.     10.0 ms1 in southern direction
  4.     14.14 ms1 in south-west direction
Answer: Option D. -> 14.14 ms1 in south-west direction

If the magnitude of vector remains same, only direction change by θ then
v = v2 - v1, v = v2 + (- v1)
Magnitude of change in vector |v| = 2 v sin (θ2)
|v| = 2 × 10 × sin(902) = 10 2 = 14.14 m/s
Direction is south - west as shown in figure.

Question 8.

The maximum and minimum magnitudes of the resultant of two given vectors are 17 units and 7 units respectively. If these two vectors are at right angles to each other, the magnitude of their resultant is 

  1.     14
  2.     16
  3.     18
  4.     13
Answer: Option D. -> 13

Rmax = A + B = 17 when θ = 0
Rmin = A - B = 7 when θ = 180
by solving we get A = 12 and B = 5
Now when θ = 90 then R = A2+B2
R=(12)2+(5)2 = 169 = 13

Question 9.

The sum of the magnitudes of two forces acting at point is 18 and the magnitude of their resultant is 12. If the resultant is at 90 with the force of smaller magnitude, what are the, magnitudes of forces  

  1.     12, 5    
  2.     14, 4
  3.     5, 13 
  4.     10, 8
Answer: Option C. -> 5, 13 

Let P be the smaller force and Q be the greater force then according to problem-
P + Q = 18 ..(i)
R = P2+Q2+2PQcosθ = 12 ..(ii)
tan ϕ = QsinθP+Qcosθ = tan 90 =
P + Q cos θ = 0 ..(iii)
By solving (i), (ii) and (iii) we will get P = 5 , and Q = 13

Question 10.

A metal sphere is hung by a string fixed to a wall. The sphere is pushed away from the wall by a stick. The forces acting on the sphere are shown in the second diagram. Which of the following statements is wrong
A Metal Sphere Is Hung By A String Fixed To A Wall. The Sphe...

  1.     P = W tan θ
  2.     T= P+W
  3.     T2P2W2
  4.     none of these
Answer: Option B. -> T= P+W

A Metal Sphere Is Hung By A String Fixed To A Wall. The Sphe...
As the metal sphere is in equilibrium under the effect of three forces therefore T + P + W = 0
From the figure T cos θ =W ...(i)
T sin θ = P ..(ii)
From equation (i) and (ii) we get P= Wtan θ
and T2 = P2 + W2