Solutions(11th And 12th > Chemistry ) Questions and Answers

Question 1.

Which of the followings is correct – 

  1.     For an non-ideal solution Hmix > 0, Vmix > 0.
  2.     In a solution showing negative deviation from Raoult's law A-B type of molecular interactions are stronger than A-A and B-B type of molecular interactions.
  3.     Nitric acid and Water solution shows positive deviation from Raoult's law.
  4.     Azeotrope boils at temperature below the boiling temperature of its constituents.
Answer: Option B. -> In a solution showing negative deviation from Raoult's law A-B type of molecular interactions are stronger than A-A and B-B type of molecular interactions.

a)   Hmix > 0,  V mix > 0 are true for mixtures showing positive deviations from Raoult's law only. Hence option (a) is incorrect
b)      It is true

c)      Nitric acid and water forms intermolecular H-bonding. Hence shows Negative deviation from Raoult's law.

d)      Azeotropes are of two types – minimum and maximum boiling azeotropes. Only minimum boiling Azeotrope boils at temperature below the boiling temperature of its constituents. Hence option (d) is incorrect.

Question 2.

A non-ideal solution was prepared by mixing 30 ml chloroform and 50 ml acetone. The volume of mixture will be

  1.     > 80 ml
  2.     < 80 ml
  3.     = 80 ml
  4.      80 ml
Answer: Option B. -> < 80 ml

Chloroform and Acetone solution shows negative deviation from Rault’s law. 

Hence V mix <0

Question 3.

Which of the followings is a colligative property

  1.     Osmotic pressure   
  2.     Boiling point
  3.     Vapour pressure     
  4.     Freezing point
Answer: Option A. -> Osmotic pressure   

Only Osmotic pressure is a colligative property.

‘Relative lowering of vapour pressure of the solvent’ is a colligative property but not only vapour pressure. Similar argument for boiling point and freezing point

Question 4.

Given that  Tf if is the diperssion in freezing point of the solvent of non-volatile solute of molality m, the quantity lim m 0( Tfm) is equal to 

  1.     Zero 
  2.     One
  4.     Finite value
Answer: Option D. -> Finite value

Tf =Kf m
limm0(Tfm)=limm 0(Kf)=Kf

Question 5.

The relative lowering of vapour pressure produced by dissolving 71.5 g of a substance in 1000 g of water is 0.00713. The molecular weight of the substance will be

  1.     180
  2.     342
  3.     60
  4.     18.0
Answer: Option A. -> 180
M2=W2×M1W1×(P1P01)=71.5×181000×0.00713=180.5 g/mole

Question 6.

In an experiment on depression of freezing point, two beakers leveled as A and B were filled with 1000 g. of water each. 40 g and 80 g of a certain non-electrolytic solute were added to both the beakers and freezing point of the solutions were noted as TfA and TfB respectively. Now both the solutions were poured into an empty beaker C and the freezing point of the mixed solution is found to be TfC . What is the ratio TfA   :   TfB   :   TfC?

  1.     1 : 2 : 3
  2.     2 : 4 : 3
  3.     2 : 4 : 8
  4.     1 : 4 : 8
Answer: Option B. -> 2 : 4 : 3

Tf=Kf m
0Tf=Kf m
=Kf m
If 40 g of solute contains 'x'~moles of it then 80 g of the solut ill contains '2x' moles of it
mA=xWt.of solvent in g1000=x10001000=x
mB=2xWt.of solvent in g1000=x10001000=2x
mC=3xWt.of solvent in g1000=3x10001000=1.5x
Required ration TfA:TfB:Tfc=1.2:1.5=2:4:3

Question 7.

Which of the following solutions in water will have the lowest vapour pressure          

  1.     0.1 M,NaCl
  2.     0.1 M Na3 PO4
  3.     0.1 M, BaCl2
  4.     0.1 M, sucrose
Answer: Option B. -> 0.1 M Na3 PO4

Depression in vapor pressure is a colligative property. More the no. of particles present in the solution lower will be the vapor pressure. consists of maximum ions hence it show lowest vapour pressure.
MoleculeNaClNa3Po4BaCl2SucroseNo. of ions per molecule1+1 = 23+1 = 41+2 = 31

Question 8.

Osmotic pressure of a solution containing 0.1 mole of solute per litre at 273K is (in atm)      

  1.     0.11×0.08205×273
  2.     0.1×1×0.08205×273
  3.     10.1×0.08205×273
  4.     0.11× 2730.08205
Answer: Option A. -> 0.11×0.08205×273

Osmotic pressure ,π=CRT=nVRT=0.11×0.08205× 273 atm

Question 9.

If α is the degree of dissociation of Na2SO4, the vant Hoff's factor (i) used for calculating the molecular mass is

  1.     1+α
  2.     α
  3.     1+2α
  4.     12α
Answer: Option C. -> 1+2α

Total no. of ions after dissociation = 1+2α
vant Hoff's factor,     i=No.of particles after dissociationNo.of particles before dissociation=1+2α

Question 10.

A solution of urea contains 8.6 gm/litre (mol. Wt. 60.0). It is isotonic with a 5% (W/W) solution of a non-volatile solute having density 1 g/cc. The molecular weight of the solute will be          

  1.     348.8
  2.     34.88
  3.     3488
  4.     861.2
Answer: Option A. -> 348.8

Isotonic solutions have same osmotic pressure
As Osmotic pressure = C R T
5% W/W solution means 100g of solution contains 5 g of solute