State Government - 01(Ias > Polity > Polity Assessments ) Questions and Answers

Question 1.

The Governor can recommend imposition of President's rule in the state

  1.     At his discretion
  2.     On the recommendation of the state Council of Ministers
  3.     On the recommendations of the state legislature
  4.     Only on demand from the President
Answer: Option A. -> At his discretion

Option: (a)

Question 2.

Unless approved by the state legislature, an ordinance issued by the Governor remains in force for a maximum period of

  1.     One year
  2.     Three months
  3.     Six months
  4.     Two years
Answer: Option C. -> Six months

Option: (c)

Question 3.

Can a person act as Governor of more than one state?

  1.     Yes
  2.     No
  3.     Only for a period of six months
  4.     Only for a period of one year
Answer: Option A. -> Yes

Option: (a)

Question 4.

Which of the following legislative powers is enjoyed by the Governor of a state?

  1.     He can summon or prorogue the state legislature
  2.     He can nominate certain members of the legislative council
  3.     He can nominate certain members of the anglo-Indian community to the legislative assembly
  4.     All the above powers
Answer: Option D. -> All the above powers

Option: (d)

Question 5.

In the event of the death or resignation of the Governor, the duties of his office are discharged by

  1.     The Chief Justice of the high court
  2.     The Chief Minister
  3.     Speaker of legislative assembly
  4.     None of the above
Answer: Option A. -> The Chief Justice of the high court

Option: (a)

Question 6.

If the Governor of a state wishes to relinquish his office before the expiry of his term, he has to address his resignation to

  1.     The President
  2.     The Prime Minister
  3.     The union home minister
  4.     Chief Justice of India
Answer: Option A. -> The President

Option: (a)

Question 7.

The Governor of a state is accountable for all his actions to

  1.     The state legislature
  2.     The state Council of Ministers
  3.     The Chief Minister of the state
  4.     The President
Answer: Option D. -> The President

Option: (d)

Question 8.

The Governor of a state can issue ordinances

  1.     Only in the event of breakdown of constitutional machinery in the state
  2.     Only when the Chief Minister asks him to do so
  3.     Only during the recess of the state legislature
  4.     Only after taking formal approval of the President
Answer: Option C. -> Only during the recess of the state legislature

Option: (c)

Question 9.

The salary and allowances of the Governor are charged to

  1.     The consolidated fund of India
  2.     The consolidated fund of the state
  3.     The contingency fund of India
  4.     None of the above
Answer: Option B. -> The consolidated fund of the state

Option: (b)

Question 10.

The contingency fund of the state is operated by

  1.     The Governor
  2.     The state finance minister
  3.     The Chief Minister
  4.     All the above jointly
Answer: Option A. -> The Governor

Option: (a)