Alcohols Phenols And Ethers(11th And 12th > Chemistry ) Questions and Answers

Question 1.

 The reaction of  The Reaction Of  with HBr Gives  with HBr gives

Answer: Option B. ->


 Reaction proceeds by benzyl carbocation formation which is stabilized due to resonance

Question 2.

At low temperature phenol reacts with Br2 in CS2to form

  1.     m-bromophenol
  2.     o-and p-bromophenol
  3.     p-bromophenol
  4.     2, 4, 6-tribromophenol
Answer: Option B. -> o-and p-bromophenol

At Low Temperature Phenol Reacts With Br2 in CS2to Form

In presence of non-polar solvent (CS2) the ionization of phenol is suppressed. The ring is slightly activated and hence mono substitution occurs with p-bromophenol as the major product.

On the other hand with  water phenol forms 2, 4, 6-tribromo phenol. (CS2)

At Low Temperature Phenol Reacts With Br2 in CS2to Form

In aqueous solution phenol ionizes to give phenoxide ion. Due to the presence of negative charge of

oxygen the benzene ring is highly activated and hence trisubstituted product is obtained.

Question 3.

The best reagent to convert pent-3-en-2-ol into pent-3-en-2-one is

  1.     Acidic permanganate
  2.     Acidic dichromate
  3.     Chromic anhydride in glacial acetic acid
  4.     Pyridinium chloro-chromate
Answer: Option C. -> Chromic anhydride in glacial acetic acid
Strong oxidising agents like acidified KMnO4 or K2Cr2O7 oxidised alcohols to carboxylic acids. For oxidation of primary alcohols to ketones, Pyridinium chloro-chromate(PCC) is used and for oxidation of secondary alcohols to ketones, Chromic anhydride in glacial acetic acid is used.

Question 4.

Which of the following will maximum pKa value?

  1.     Phenol
  2.     o-cresol
  3.      ethanol
  4.     o-nitrophenol
Answer: Option C. ->  ethanol

Order of Acidity onitrophenol> phenol> ocresol> ethanol.  onitrophenol is more acidic than phenol due to electron withdrawing nature of nitro group. o-crseol is less acidic than alcohol due to electron-releasing nature of methyl group. Phenoxide ion is resonance stabilized but ethoxide ion is not. Thus, phenol is more acidic than alcohol. Greater the pKavalue, less is the acidity.

Question 5.

The compound which is not isomeric with diethyl ether is:-

  1.     n-propylmethyl ether
  2.     Butan-1-ol
  3.     2-methylpropan-2-ol
  4.     Butanone
Answer: Option D. -> Butanone
Diethyl ether is C4H10O. n-propylmethylether, butan-1-ol & 2-methyl~propan-2-ol is C4H10O. Butanone is C4H8O.

Question 6.

Chlorination of toluene in the presence of light and heat followed by treatment with aqueous NaOH gives:-

  1.     o-cresol
  2.     p-cresol
  3.     2, 4-dihydroxy toluene
  4.     Benzyl alcohol
Answer: Option D. -> Benzyl alcohol

Chlorination Of Toluene In The Presence Of Light And Heat Fo...

Question 7.

Ortho-nitrophenol is steam volatile whereas para-nitrophenol is not. This is due to
1.Intramolecular hydrogen bonding present in ortho-nitrophenol
2.Intermolecular hydrogen bonding present in para-nitrophenol
3.Intramolecular hydrogen bonding present in para-nitrophenol
4.Inter-molecular hydrogen bonding present in ortho-nitrophenol.

  1.     1&3
  2.     1,3 &4
  3.     1&2
  4.     2 only
Answer: Option C. -> 1&2

Para-nitro phenol has higher boiling point than ortho-nitrophenol due to intermolecular hydrogen bonding present in para-nitrophenol, which requires more energy to break these bonds during boiling. In o-nitrophenol, intramolecular hydrogen bonding is present to greater extent. Thus, o-nitrophenol is steam volatile due to low boiling point.

Question 8.

Propan-1-ol can be prepared from propene by alcohol

  1.     H2O/H2SO4
  2.     Hg(OAc)2/H2O followed by NaBH4
  3.     B2H6 followed by H2O2
  4.     CH3CO2H/H2SO4
Answer: Option C. -> B2H6 followed by H2O2

When propene reacts with mercuric acetate followed by NaBH4, it gives secondary or tertiary alcohols, in accordance with Markownikoff’s rule.  But, with diborane followed by H2O2, it gives primary alcohols which is in accordance with Anti-Markownikoff’s rule. 6CH3CH=CH2+B2H6H2O2−−CH3CH2CH2OH

Question 9.

Major product in Friedel-Craft's acylation of anisole is:-

  1.     Chlorobenzene
  2.     4-Chloro-1-methoxy benzene
  3.     4-Methoxy-acetophenone
  4.     3-Methoxy-acetophenone.
Answer: Option C. -> 4-Methoxy-acetophenone
Friedel-Craft's acylation of anisole with acetyl chloride in presence of anhydrous AlCl3 gives 4-methoxy acetophenone(para) as a major product. Methoxy group in anisole is activating and ortho-para directing with major product being para isomer.

Question 10.

Which of the following will not react with NaOH?

  2.     C2H5OH
  3.     CH3CONH2
  4.     CH(CN)3
Answer: Option B. -> C2H5OH
C2H5OH (ethanol) is a very weak acid hence it does not react with NaOH. However, it reacts with metallic sodium, giving sodium ethoxide and hydrogen gas.