Mole Concept(11th And 12th > Chemistry ) Questions and Answers

Question 1.

Calculate the volume of CO2 evolved at NTP when 20g of CaCO3 is heated strongly.

  1.     3.38 L
  2.     4.48
  3.     5.58 L
  4.     6.68 L
Answer: Option B. -> 4.48

The question gives weight of reactants and asks the volume of product. So, it is a weight-volume problem. Start by balancing the reaction

CaCO3  CaO + CO2(g)

1 mole of CaCO3 gives 1 mole of CO2

From Avagadro's Law, 1 mole of CO2 at NTP occupies 22.4L

1 mole of CaCO3 = 22.4 L of CO2
100g = 22.4L of CO2

20g = 20 × 22.4100 = 4.48 L of CO2

Question 2.

IsotopeRelative Abudance(%)Atomic Mass(amu)12C98.8921213C1.10813.0033514C2×101014.00317

From the data given in the table, calculate the average atomic mass of C

  1.     13 u
  2.     12.011 u
  3.     12.001 u
  4.     12.0011 u
Answer: Option B. -> 12.011 u

Average atomic mass is the weighted average of atomic mass of all the isotopes.
Contribution by each isotope = (Relative abundance) (Atomic mass)
Contribution by
126C = (0.98892)(12)/100 = 11.86704

136C = (0.01108)(13.00335)/100 = 0.14407712

146C = (2 × 1010)(14.003170/100 = 28.00634 × 1012

Average atomic mass = sum of all contribution = 12.011 u

Question 3.

An analytic balance has uncertainty In measurement equal to ±1 mg. Then report the result in terms of percentage if the weight of a compound is
(a) 1 g
(b) 10 g
(c) 100 g

  1.     1±0.1%;10±0.01%;100 ±0.001%
  2.     1±0.2%;10 ±0.02%;100 ±0.002%
  3.     1±0.1%;10 ±0.1%;100 ±0.1%
  4.     1±0.2%;10 ±0.2%;100 ±0.002%
Answer: Option A. -> 1±0.1%;10±0.01%;100 ±0.001%

(a) 1±0.1%                        (b) 10±0.01% (c) 100±0.001%
The uncertainty in measurement is expressed in terms of percentage by putting ± sign before it, e.g., 150±1%, et. Smaller the quantity to be measured, greater is the percentage uncertainty, and the instrument should be more precise for the measurement of smaller quantities.


Question 4.

10g of Fe powder was mixed with a CuSO4 solution which contained 70g of CuSO4. What is the weight of the copper obtained?

[Fe = 55.85g        Cu = 63.6g]

  1.     10.39
  2.     11.39
  3.     12.39
  4.     13.39
Answer: Option B. -> 11.39

The question talks about reaction between Fe and CuSO4. Observe that weights of the reactants are given and the weight of a product is asked. Thus, it is a weight-weight stoichiometry problem.
In all such stoichiometry problems, start by balancing the reaction
Fe + CuSO4  FeSO4 + Cu
From the equation, 1 mole of Fe = 1 mole of Cu
55.85g  63.6g of Cu
10g of Fe will displace 11.39g of Cu if available.
The solution has 70g of CuSO4
1 mole CuSO4 has 63.6g of Cu
i.e., [63.6 + 32 + 16(4)]g of CuSO4 = 63.6g of Cu
159.6g of CuSO4= 63.6g of Cu
70g of CuSO4= 27.76g of Cu

 10 g = 10 × 63.655.85 = 11.39 g of Cu

In the CuSO4 solution, 27.76g of Cu is present of which 11.39g of Cu will be precipitated out by the addition of 10g of Fe.

Question 5.

What is the n-factor / valency factor of H2CO3 ?

  1.     1
  2.     2
  3.     Either a or b
  4.     Neither a nor b
Answer: Option C. -> Either a or b

In this case of H2CO3 valency factor changes depending upon the reaction as the number of H+ ions replaced might vary depending on the extent of the reaction.


H2CO3 H+HCO3 (n-factor =1)

H2CO3  2H+ +CO32 (n-factor = 2)


Question 6.

What volume of 0.10 MH2SO4  must be added to 50 ml of a 0.10 M NaOH solution to make a solution in which the molarity of theH2SO4 is 0.050 M?

  1.     400 ml
  2.     50 ml
  3.     100 ml
  4.     150 ml
Answer: Option B. -> 50 ml

2NaOH +H2SO4  Na2SO4 + 2H2O

0.0025 moles  ofH2SO4  will neutralise 0.005 moles NaOH. 

So for 0.01 V moles H2SO4 there will be 0.01v-0.0025 moles H2SO4 left unused in the total volume(v+50ml) of solution . 

The concentration here will be

0.010.0025v+50×1000 = 0.05M

100V2.5V+50 =0.05

100V2.5V+50= 2.5+2.5

99.95V= 5

V= 0.05002L

V= 50.02ML

Question 7.

How to determine mole fraction of solvent when moles of solute and solvent are given?

  1.     Moles of soluteMoles of solvent
  2.     Moles of soluteMoles of solution
  3.     Moles of soluteMoles of solute+ Moles of solvent
  4.     Moles of solventMoles of solute+Moles of solvent
Answer: Option D. -> Moles of solventMoles of solute+Moles of solvent

Mole fraction (X) is just the ratio of the number of moles of the required quantity to the sum of number of moles of all other quantities. We usually only have a solute and a solvent.
 Xsolvent=MolesofsolventMoles of solute + Moles of solvent

Question 8.

Calculate Molarity of a solution having 3.42 gm sucrose in 500 mL - solution. 

  1.     0.2 M
  2.     0.02 M
  3.     2 M
  4.     0.342 M
Answer: Option B. -> 0.02 M
We know that, 
Molarity=No. of moles of soluteNo of litres of solution
We know the given weight of sucrose from which the number of moles of sucrose can be calculated. Therefore No. of moles =Given weightMolecular weight(solute is sucrose)
When 0.01 moles of sucrose is added to 500ml
Molarity = 0.02 M 

Question 9.

How many years it would take to spend Avogadro's number of rupees at the rate of 1 million rupees in one second?

  1.     19.098×1019 years
  2.     19.098 years
  3.     19.098×109 years
  4.     None of these
Answer: Option C. -> 19.098×109 years
106 rupees are spent in 1sec. 6.022×1023 rupees are spent in
=(1×6.022×1023)(106×60×60×24×365) years
=19.098×109 year

Question 10.

The mass of an atom of C is

  1.     1 g
  2.     1.99×1023g
  3.     112
  4.     1.99×1020g
Answer: Option B. -> 1.99×1023g
6.022×1023 C atoms = 12 g
1 C atom = 126.022×1023=1.99×1023g