Polity Misc - 16(Ias > Polity > Polity Assessments ) Questions and Answers

Question 1.

Which of the following
statements is correct?

  1.     Rule of law is a basic feature of the constitution which cannot be amended under article 368 of the constitution.
  2.     Rule of law is an ordinary feature of the Indian constitution which can be amended under article 368 of the constitution.
  3.     Rule of law is only an implied feature of the Indian constitution.
  4.     All the above.
Answer: Option A. -> Rule of law is a basic feature of the constitution which cannot be amended under article 368 of the constitution.

Question 2.

The Jammu and
Kashmir resettlement bill was associated with the

  1.     Resettlement of Muslims from Pakistan in Jammu and Kashmir
  2.     Resettlement of Kashmiris from other parts of the country in Jammu and Kashmir
  3.     Acquisition of the property of non-residents in the state
  4.     Both (b) and (c)
Answer: Option A. -> Resettlement of Muslims from Pakistan in Jammu and Kashmir

Question 3.

Which of the
following bodies can be abolished but not dissolved?

  1.     Rajya Sabha
  2.     Municipal bodies
  3.     State Legislative Council
  4.     None of the above
Answer: Option C. -> State Legislative Council

Question 4.

The constitution
of India assures economic justice to the Indian citizens through

  1.     Directive Principles of State Policy
  2.     Fundamental rights
  3.     Fundamental duties
  4.     All the above
Answer: Option A. -> Directive Principles of State Policy

Question 5.

Article 40 of the
constitution of India states that "the state shall take steps to
organise 'x' and endow them
with such powers and authority, as may be necessary to enable them to
function as units of self-government". In this statement 'x' stands for

  1.     Village Panchayats
  2.     Zila parishads
  3.     Inter-State Councils
  4.     None of the above
Answer: Option A. -> Village Panchayats

Question 6.

Which one of the
following statements regarding local government in India has been wrongly

  1.     The elections to local bodies are determined by a commission.
  2.     30 per cent of the seats in local bodies are reserved for the women.
  3.     Finances to local governments are provided by a commission.
  4.     None of the above.
Answer: Option C. -> Finances to local governments are provided by a commission.

Question 7.

Which of the
following is the main source of income for the municipal committee?

  1.     Octroi duty
  2.     Income tax
  3.     Assistance from the centre
  4.     Excise duty
Answer: Option A. -> Octroi duty

Question 8.

The national
integration council is chaired by

  1.     The President
  2.     The Prime Minister
  3.     The Home Minister
  4.     Deputy Chairman of the Planning Commission
Answer: Option B. -> The Prime Minister

Question 9.

salary/emoluments of which of the following is exempted from income tax?

  1.     The President
  2.     The Chief Justice of India
  3.     The Election Commissioner
  4.     None of the above
Answer: Option A. -> The President

Question 10.

The constitution
of India does not contain any provision for the impeachment of

  1.     The President
  2.     The Chief Justice
  3.     The Vice-President
  4.     The Governor
Answer: Option D. -> The Governor