Polity Misc - 17(Ias > Polity > Polity Assessments ) Questions and Answers

Question 1.

Who among the
following has the right to speak and otherwise take part in the proceedings
of either house of Parliament but is not entitled to vote?

  1.     The Chief Election Commissioner
  2.     The Controller and Auditor General
  3.     The chairman of the Finance Commission
  4.     The Attorney General of India
Answer: Option D. -> The Attorney General of India

Question 2.

Which one of the
following is the largest committee of the Indian Parliament

  1.     Committee on Petitions
  2.     Public Accounts Committee
  3.     The Estimates Committee
  4.     Committee on Public Undertakings
Answer: Option C. -> The Estimates Committee

Question 3.

Elections to the
Lok Sabha and the legislative assemblies of states are conducted on the basis

  1.     Single transferable vote
  2.     Limited suffrage
  3.     Proportional representation
  4.     Adult franchise
Answer: Option D. -> Adult franchise

Question 4.

The ideals of the
framers of the constitution are reflected in

  1.     The Preamble
  2.     The Directive Principles of State Policy
  3.     The Fundamental Rights
  4.     All the above
Answer: Option A. -> The Preamble

Question 5.

Which of the
following statements is correct?

  1.     Neither the Finance Commission nor the Planning Commission is a constitutional body.
  2.     The scope of the Finance Commission is limited to a review of the revenue segment of the budget while the Planning Commission takes an overall view, embracing both capital and revenue requirements of the states
  3.     No one can be a member of both the Finance Commission and the Planning Commission at same time.
  4.     There is no overlapping of work and responsibility of the Finance Commission and the Planning Commission.
Answer: Option D. -> There is no overlapping of work and responsibility of the Finance Commission and the Planning Commission.

Question 6.

The graduates
constitute a separate constituency for the election of specified number of
members to

  1.     The Nyaya Panchayat
  2.     The state legislative council
  3.     The state legislative assembly
  4.     The Rajya Sabha
Answer: Option B. -> The state legislative council

Question 7.

The Supreme Court has the advisory of jurisdiction under

  1.     Article 142
  2.     Article 143
  3.     Article 144
  4.     Article 145
Answer: Option A. -> Article 142

Question 8.

Under the Indian
constitution, concentration of wealth violates

  1.     The Right to Equality
  2.     The Directive Principles
  3.     The Right to Freedom
  4.     The concept of welfare state
Answer: Option B. -> The Directive Principles

Question 9.

Which of the
following is/are the objectives of the national minorities development and
finance corporation?

To promote economic and development activities for the
benefit of the backward sections among the minorities, preference being given
to occupational groups and women.

To extend loans and advance to the members belonging to
the minority sections for setting up of self-employment and other ventures.

3         To protect the rights of the people
belonging to minority communities in the employment sector.

  1.     1, 2 and 3
  2.     2 and 3
  3.     1 and 3
  4.     1 and 2
Answer: Option B. -> 2 and 3

Question 10.

The President
grants pardon on the recommendations of

  1.     The Union Home Minister
  2.     The Prime Minister
  3.     The Attorney General of India
  4.     The Chief Justice of India
Answer: Option A. -> The Union Home Minister