Polity Misc - 03(Ias > Polity > Polity Assessments ) Questions and Answers

Question 1.

Which of the following has not been provided by the 73rd constitutional amendment
relating to Panchayati Raj?

  1.     Thirty per cent seats in all elected rural local bodies shall be reserved for women at all levels
  2.     The states will constitute their finance commissions to allocate resources to Panchayati Raj institutions
  3.     If the Panchayati Raj bodies are superceded or dissolved by the state government, the elections shall be held within six months
  4.     The Panchayati Raj elected functionaries shall be disqualified to hold their offices if they have more than two children
Answer: Option D. -> The Panchayati Raj elected functionaries shall be disqualified to hold their offices if they have more than two children

Question 2.

Who appoints the members of the all India services?

  1.     The President
  2.     The union home minister
  3.     The chairman of the union public service commission
  4.     The Attorney General of India
Answer: Option A. -> The President

Question 3.

The 45th amendment

  1.     Abolished special courts
  2.     Regularised the preventive detention ordinance
  3.     Retained forests and education in the concurrent list
  4.     Extended reservation of seats for scheduled castes and scheduled tribes for a further period of 10 years
Answer: Option D. -> Extended reservation of seats for scheduled castes and scheduled tribes for a further period of 10 years

Question 4.

Which of the following provisions of the constitution can be amended by Parliament
by a simple majority?

  1.     Provisions concerning establishment of high court
  2.     Provisions concerning federal judiciary
  3.     Provisions concerning representation of states in Parliament
  4.     Articles relating to citizenship
Answer: Option D. -> Articles relating to citizenship

Question 5.

The responsibility for the recruitment of all India services rests with

  1.     The union public service commission
  2.     The President
  3.     The Parliament
  4.     The union home ministry
Answer: Option A. -> The union public service commission

Question 6.

The first amendment to the constitution, which was carried out in 1951,
related to

  1.     Security of the country
  2.     Security of the Prime Minister
  3.     Protection of agrarian reform laws in certain states
  4.     Scheduled castes and scheduled tribes
Answer: Option C. -> Protection of agrarian reform laws in certain states

Question 7.

Which amendment of the constitution provided constitutional status to the

  1.     70th
  2.     72th
  3.     73th
  4.     74th
Answer: Option D. -> 74th

Question 8.

Proposal for amendment of the constitution in India can be initiated by

  1.     Parliament alone
  2.     Parliament as well as state legislative assemblies
  3.     The people
  4.     All the above
Answer: Option A. -> Parliament alone

Question 9.

Which of the following amendments imposed restrictions on the fundamental
rights of the citizens to protect the sovereignty and integrity of the

  1.     The 14th amendment
  2.     The 16th amendment
  3.     The 24th amendment
  4.     The 39th amendment
Answer: Option B. -> The 16th amendment

Question 10.

The constitution of India envisages three types of services

  1.     Navy, air force and army
  2.     Civil, military and para-military
  3.     All India services, central services and state services
  4.     None of the above
Answer: Option C. -> All India services, central services and state services