Circular Kinematics(11th And 12th > Physics ) Questions and Answers

Question 1.


A purse at radius 2.00 m and a wallet at radius 3.00 m travel in uniform circular motion on the floor of a merry-go-round as the ride turns. They are on the same radial line. At one instant, the acceleration of the purse is (2.00 m/ s2)^i    + (4.00 m/ s2)^j    . At that instant and in unit-vector notation, what is the acceleration of the wallet?                                                                   IIT JEE- 2001

  1.     2 ^i  + 4 ^j   
  2.     4 ^i  + 2 ^j   
  3.     3 ^i  + 6 ^j   
  4.     3 5 ^i  + 3 5 ^j   
Answer: Option C. -> 3 ^i  + 6 ^j   

 A Purse At Radius 2.00 M And A Wallet At Radius 3.00 M Tra...

dθdt is constant.

In other words in uniform circular motion the angular velocity remains constant body doesn't have any tangential acceleration but normal acceleartion.

aN=v2R or ω2R
For purse aN=(2)2+(4)2=20;R=2
For wallet aN=ω2R
Hence ωis same

So the above answer matches with the magnitude of third option in the given answers.

Question 2.

A balloon starts rising from the surface of the Earth. The ascension rate is constant and equal to vo. Due to the wind the balloon gathers the horizontal velocity component vx=ay, where a is a constant and y is the height of ascent. Find the total, tangential, and normal accelerations of the balloon.


  1.     ar=av0;at=av01+(ayv0)2;aN=av0
  2.     ar=av0;at=av0;aN=0
  3.     ar=av0;at=a2y1+a2y2v20;aN=av0 (1+a2y2v20)
  4.     ar=a2y1+a2y2v20;at=av0;aN=av0
Answer: Option C. -> ar=av0;at=a2y1+a2y2v20;aN=av0 (1+a2y2v20)

The path of the balloon will look something like this


A Balloon Starts Rising From The Surface Of The Earth. The A...
After t sec ballon would have gone a height of v0tthen at that very instance the balloon's vx will be
ar=total acceleration=av0.......(1)
vtangentical is actually the resultant velocity
Now we know a2t+a2N=a2r

Question 3.

A hollow vertical cylinder of radius R and height h has smooth internal surface. A small particle is placed in contact with the inner side of the upper rim at a point P. It is given a horizontal speed vo tangential to rim. It leaves the lower rim at point Q, vertically below P. The number of revolutions made by the particle will

  1.     h2πR
  2.     v02gh
  3.     2πRh
  4.     v02πR(2hg)
Answer: Option D. -> v02πR(2hg)

since the body has no initial velocity in the vertical direction.

A Hollow Vertical Cylinder Of Radius R And Height H Has Smoo...
az=-g, vertical displacement z=-h.
T=2hg time taken to reach the bottom
let,t be the time taken to complete one revolution.
Then t=2πRv0
number  of revolution=Tt=2hg2πRv0=v02πR2hg

Question 4.

A point P moves in counter-clockwise direction on a circular path as shown in the figure. The movement of 'P' is such that it sweeps out a length s=t3+5, where s is in meters and t is in seconds. The radius of the path is 20 m. The acceleration of 'P' when t = 2 s is nearly
A Point P Moves In Counter-clockwise Direction On A Circular...

  1.     13 m/s2
  2.     12 m/s2
  3.     7.2 m/s2
  4.     14 m/s2
Answer: Option D. -> 14 m/s2
Speed,v=dsdt=3t2 and rate of change of speed =dvdt=6t
tangential acceleration at t=2S,at = 6 × 2=12m/s2
At t=2s,v=3(2)2=12m/s2
centripetal acceleration,
net acceleration=a2t+a2i14m/s2

Question 5.

Diagram shows the direction of the total acceleration and velocity of a particle moving clockwise in a circle of radius 5/√3 m at an instant of time. Tangential acceleration at this instant is 5 m/s2. Which of the following statements is not correct?

Diagram Shows The Direction Of The Total Acceleration And Ve...

  1.     The centripetal acceleration is 53m/s2  
  2.     Particle is speeding up
  3.     The net acceleration is 10 m/s2
  4.     The particle is slowing down
Answer: Option B. -> Particle is speeding up
B and D

since tangential acceleration and v are in same direction, so particle should be speeding up.

tan 30=atac     Diagram Shows The Direction Of The Total Acceleration And Ve...
Net acceleration

Question 6.

A particle moves in a circle of radius 20 cm. Its linear speed is given by v = 2t, where t is second and v in metre/second. Find the radial and tangential acceleration at t = 3 s.

  1.     ar=1.8m/s2
  2.     ar=180m/s2
  3.     at=6m/s2
  4.     at=2m/s2
Answer: Option B. -> ar=180m/s2
B and D
The linear speed at t = 3 s is
v = 2t = 6 m/s
The radial acceleration at t = 3 s is
ar=v2r=180 m/s2
The tangential acceleration is
at=dvdt=2 m/s2

Question 7.

A car is travelling with speed v on a circular road of radius r. If it is increasing its speed at the rate of 'a' meter/sec2, then the resultant acceleration will be

  1.     {v2r2a2}
  2.     {v4r2+a2}
  3.     {v4r2a2}
  4.     {v2r2+a2}
Answer: Option B. -> {v4r2+a2}


Question 8.

Which is these is a possible direction of acceleration for a point on a car that is going on a circular track and is speeding up?

Which Is These Is A Possible Direction Of Acceleration For A...

  1.     a
  2.     b
  3.     c
  4.     d
Answer: Option D. -> d
The net acceleration is always directed between radially inward and tangential direction.

Question 9.

A body takes the following path and moves with constant speed. If aA and aB are the magnitude of its radial acceleration at A and B.

A Body Takes The Following Path And Moves With Constant Spee...

  1.     aA=aB
  2.     aA<aB
  3.     aA>aB
  4.     none of these
Answer: Option C. -> aA>aB

The radius of curvature is the radius of the osculating circle at that point of the curve.


A Body Takes The Following Path And Moves With Constant Spee...
We can clearly see that RA<RB
v2RA>v2RB (as v is the speed and is constant)

Question 10.

A particle is projected at angle θ with horizontal with velocity V0


(i) tangential and normal acceleration of the particle at t = 0 and at highest point of its trajectory.

(ii) radius of curvature at t = 0 and highest point.

  1.     at t=0,at=gsinθ
  2.     At highest point an=g
  3.     at t=0,R=V2sinθ
  4.     At highest point R=V2cos2θg
Answer: Option C. -> at t=0,R=V2sinθ
A, B, C, and D

A Particle Is Projected At Angle θ With Horizontal With Vel...

(i) The direction of tangential acceleration is in the line of velocity and the normal acceleration is in the direction perpendicular to velocity direction. The tangential and normal directions at O & P are shown in figure.
The net acceleration of the particle during motion is acceleration due to gravity i.e., 'g' is acting vertically downward.
A Particle Is Projected At Angle θ With Horizontal With Vel...
At O:(at t=0)
Tangential acceleration at=-gsinθ
Normal acceleration an= gcosθ
At P (at highest point)
Tangential acceleration
at=0 an=g
(ii)  Let radius of curvature at O be R0. The normal acceleration at O is g cos θ.
A Particle Is Projected At Angle θ With Horizontal With Vel...
Radius of curvature at P
Normal acceleration at P is 'g'