Financial Statements Of A Company(12th Grade > Accountancy ) Questions and Answers

Question 1.

Cash Balance will be classified under -

  1.     Current Asset
  2.     Non-Current Asset
  3.     Current Liabilities
  4.     Non- Current Liabilities
Answer: Option A. -> Current Asset

Cash Balance will be classified under Current Asset

Question 2.

Under the accrual basis of accounting, revenues are recognised in the accounting period in which -

  1.     Revenues are earned
  2.     Cash is received
  3.     Either revenues are earned or cash is received
  4.     None of these
Answer: Option A. -> Revenues are earned

Under the accrual basis of accounting, revenues are recognized in the accounting period in which revenues are earned.

Question 3.

Information about accounting policies assists financial readers in better interpreting a company’s financial statements. It is given in ___

  1.     Balance sheet
  2.     Statement of profit & loss
  3.     Notes to accounts
  4.     None of these
Answer: Option C. -> Notes to accounts

It is given in notes to accounts.

Question 4.

Stock is-

  1.     included in the category of fixed assts
  2.     an investment
  3.     a part of current assets
  4.     an intangible fixed asset
Answer: Option C. -> a part of current assets

Stock is a part of current assets.

Question 5.

Goodwill is -

  1.     a current asset
  2.     an intangible fixed asset
  3.     a tangible fixed asset
  4.     an investment
Answer: Option B. -> an intangible fixed asset

Goodwill is an intangible fixed asset.

Question 6.

Which of the following would not be a current asset?

  1.     Accounts Receivable
  2.     Land
  3.     Prepaid Insurance
  4.     Supplies
Answer: Option B. -> Land

Land is not a current asset, because land will NOT turn to cash within one year of the balance sheet date, or within the operating cycle if the operating cycle is longer than one year.

Question 7.

Loan taken from bank will be classified as -

  1.     Assets
  2.     Liabilities
  3.     Shareholders' funds
  4.     None of these
Answer: Option B. -> Liabilities

Loan taken from bank will be classified as liabilities

Question 8.

Patent is a/an: 

  1.     Currrent Asset
  2.     Fictitous Asset 
  3.     Tangible Asset
  4.     Intangible Asset
Answer: Option D. -> Intangible Asset

Patent is an intangible asset 

Question 9.

Furniture is a/an:

  1.     Current Asset
  2.     Fictitous Asset
  3.     Tangible Fixed Asset
  4.     Intangible Asset
Answer: Option C. -> Tangible Fixed Asset

Furniture is a tangible fixed asset

Question 10.

Bills Receivable is a: 

  1.     Current Asset
  2.     Fictitous Asset
  3.     Intangible Asset
  4.     Tangible Fixed Asset
Answer: Option A. -> Current Asset

Bills Receivable is a current asset.