P Block Elements(11th And 12th > Chemistry ) Questions and Answers

Question 1.

Ca2B6O11+Na2CO3Fused−−(A)+(B)+CaCO3(A)+CO2(B)+Na2CO3Solution(B)+Conc.HCINaCI+Acid                               H2O(C)Strongly−−−−heated (D)   Acid(C)(D)+CuSO4Heated−−−−inflameBlue coloured(E)                              compoundcompound (E) is -

  1.     Cu2O
  2.     CuS
  3.     CuSO3
  4.     Cu(BO2)2
Answer: Option D. -> Cu(BO2)2

Compound (A) is - NaBO2
Compound (B) is - Na2B4O7
Compound (C) is - H3BO3
Compound (D) is - B2O3
Compound (E) is - Cu(BO2)2

Question 2.

....... is the by-product obtained in the Serpeck's process -

  1.     Oxygen
  2.     Ammonia
  3.     Nitrogen dioxide
  4.     Nitric oxide
Answer: Option B. -> Ammonia

Serpeck's process involves -


Question 3.

Aqueous solution of borax reacts with two mol of acids. This is because of -

  1.     Formation of 2 mol of B(OH)3 only
  2.     Formation of 1mol of [B(OH)4] only
  3.     Formation of 1 mol each of B(OH)3 and [B(OH)4]
  4.     Formation of 2 mol each of [B(OH)4] and B(OH)3, of which only[B(OH)4] reacts with acid
Answer: Option D. -> Formation of 2 mol each of [B(OH)4] and B(OH)3, of which only[B(OH)4] reacts with acid


B(OH)3orH3BO3 is an acid and does not react with acid.

Hence Na[B(OH)4] reacts with acid. 

Question 4.

The main factor responsible for weak acidic nature of B-F bonds in BF3 is -

  1.     Large electronegativity of F
  2.     Three centred two electron bonds in BF3
  3.     pp­- dp back bonding
  4.     pp- pp back bonding
Answer: Option D. -> pp- pp back bonding

It is pp- pp bonding involving B and F atom responsible for the acidic nature of boron halides as BF3<BCl3<BBr3< BI3 smaller atom shows more back bonding

Question 5.

In Al2Cl6, which statement is incorrect-

  1.     Four Al - Cl bonds are of same length and two of different length
  2.     Six Al - Cl bonds are of same length and two of different length
  3.     The angle Cl - Al - Cl is 1100 and 930
  4.     The angle Al - Cl - Al is 870
Answer: Option A. -> Four Al - Cl bonds are of same length and two of different length

AI2CI6 has the structure given below- 

In Al2Cl6, Which Statement Is Incorrect-

Question 6.

An aqueous solution of potash alum is -

  1.     Acidic
  2.     Alkaline
  3.     Neutral
  4.     None of these
Answer: Option A. -> Acidic


Question 7.

Thallium shows different oxidation states because -

  1.     It is a transition metal
  2.     Of inert pair effect
  3.     Of its amphoteric character
  4.     Of its high reactivity
Answer: Option B. -> Of inert pair effect

Inert pair effect is the phenomenon in which outer shell (ns2)electrons penetrate to
(n - 1) d electrons and thus becomes closer to nucleus and are more effectively pulled towards nucleus. This results in less availability of ns electrons for bonding. The inert pair effects begins when n = 4 and increases with increasing value of n.

Question 8.

Which species does not exist -

  1.     [BF6]3
  2.     [AlF6]3
  3.     [GaF6]3
  4.     [InF6]3
Answer: Option A. -> [BF6]3

BF36 does not exist because boron does not have vacant d-subshells

Question 9.

Aluminium vessels should not be washed with materials containing washing soda because:

  1.     Washing soda is expensive
  2.     Washing soda is easily decomposed
  3.     Washing soda reacts with aluminium to form soluble aluminate
  4.     Washing soda reacts with aluminium to from insoluble aluminium oxide
Answer: Option C. -> Washing soda reacts with aluminium to form soluble aluminate



Question 10.

Al and Ga have nearly the same covalent radii because of:

  1.     Greater shielding effect of s-electrons of Ga atoms
  2.     Poor shielding effect of s-electrons of Ga atoms
  3.     Poor shielding effect of d-electrons of Ga atoms
  4.     Greater shielding effect of d-electrons of Ga atoms
Answer: Option C. -> Poor shielding effect of d-electrons of Ga atoms

Due to poor shielding effect of d-electrons, nuclear attraction over valency electrons increases hence atomic size decreases