International Business - Ii(11th Grade > Business Studies ) Questions and Answers

Question 1.

What is IEC? 

  1.     International Export Code 
  2.     International Excise Code 
  3.     Import Export Code
  4.     Import Excise Code 
Answer: Option C. -> Import Export Code

An exporter requires a unique code to export items. This unique code is known as Import Export Code. 

Question 2.

An exporter needs to register with___ to get the export license. 

  1.     Export Promotion Council 
  2.     Export Credit Guarantee Corporation
  3.     Regional Licensing Authority 
  4.     None of the above 
Answer: Option B. -> Export Credit Guarantee Corporation

An exporter needs to register with Export Credit Guarantee Corporation to get the export license. 

Question 3.

What does 'certificate from the bank' mean? 

  1.     It a document that states how much money a firm or store has on a particular date. 
  2.     It is a document that states whether the company is creditworthy. 
  3.     It is a document that states whether the company is trustworthy in lending a sum of money. 
  4.     None of the above 
Answer: Option A. -> It a document that states how much money a firm or store has on a particular date. 

The certificate from the bank is a document signed by a bank official which states, how much money a particular store or firm has in the bank on a particular date. 

Question 4.

While exporting, exporter doesn't have to follow the international quality standards. 

  1.     True 
  2.     False
  3.     Regional Licensing Authority 
  4.     None of the above 
Answer: Option B. -> False

False. Quality plays an important role in external trade. Exporters have to follow the international quality standards. The goods are produced according to the quality specifications of the buyer. 

Question 5.

Quality control and inspection act is adopted in over ___ countries with over one million registrations. 

  1.     187
  2.     178
  3.     117
  4.     197
Answer: Option B. -> 178

Quality control and inspection act is adopted in over  178  countries with over one million registrations. 

Question 6.

On loading the goods to the railway cart, the railway authority issues a ___ which has all the details of the goods. 

  1.     Railway Certificate 
  2.     Railway Receipt 
  3.     Railway Order
  4.     Railway Ticket
Answer: Option B. -> Railway Receipt 

On loading the goods to the railway cart, the railway authority issues a  railway receipt which has all the details of the goods. 

Question 7.

During the first and second world war, there was no massive destruction of life and property throughout the world. 

  1.     True 
  2.     False
  3.     Railway Order
  4.     Railway Ticket
Answer: Option B. -> False

False. During the first and second world war, there was massive destruction of life and property throughout the world. All the countries were not in a position to undergo any reconstruction or development work. 

Question 8.

Bill of exchange is a document for payment to be received from the exporter. 

  1.     True
  2.     False
  3.     Railway Order
  4.     Railway Ticket
Answer: Option B. -> False

False. Bill of exchange is a document for payment to be received from the importer. 

Question 9.

In-process quality control is done to check the quality while the goods are getting manufactured or assembled. 

  1.     True
  2.     False
  3.     Regional Licensing Authority 
  4.     None of the above 
Answer: Option A. -> True

True. In-process quality control is done to check the quality while the goods are getting manufactured or assembled. 

Question 10.

Make in India which is the flagship program, tends to help India foster innovation. 

  1.     True
  2.     False
  3.     Railway Order
  4.     Railway Ticket
Answer: Option A. -> True

True. Make in India which is the flagship program, tends to help India foster innovation.