Semiconductors(11th And 12th > Physics ) Questions and Answers

Question 1.

Diode valve is discovered by

  1.     Richardson
  2.     Dushman 
  3.     Edison
  4.     Fleming 
Answer: Option D. -> Fleming 

Diode valve is discovered by Fleming.

Question 2.

An n-type semiconductor is

  1.     negatively charged           
  2.     positively charged 
  3.     neutral
  4.     negatively or positively charged depending upon the amount of impurity
Answer: Option C. -> neutral

N-type semiconductor is having excess of free electrons (unbound electrons) for conduction. The total number of electrons in an atom is equal to total number of protons in the nucleus. Therefore, n –type semiconductor is neutral.

Question 3.

p-type semiconductor are

  1.     positively charged
  2.     produced when boron is added as an impurity   
  3.     produced when phosphorus is added as an impurity to silicon   
  4.     produced when carbon is added as an impurity to germanium.
Answer: Option B. -> produced when boron is added as an impurity   

Boron has valency three. When boron is doped in a pure semiconductor, then p-type semiconductor is formed.

Question 4.

The relation between number of free electrons (n) is a semiconductor and temperature (T) is given by

  1.     n α T
  2.     n α T2
  3.     n α T
  4.     n α T32
Answer: Option D. -> n α T32

For semiconductor, n=AT32eEg2kT;
So,                     n α T32

Question 5.

The correct curve between potential (V) and distance (d) near p-n junction is  
The Correct Curve Between Potential (V) And Distance (d) Nea...

  1.     a
  2.     b
  3.     c
  4.     d
Answer: Option A. -> a

V-d curve near the junction will be as shown by curve (a).

Question 6.

Two identical p-n junction may be connected in series with a battery in three ways as shown in the adjoining figure. The potential drop across the p-n junctions are equal in Two Identical P-n Junction May Be Connected In Series With A...

  1.     circuit 1 and circuit 2
  2.     circuit 2 and circuit 3 
  3.     circuit 3 and circuit 1
  4.     circuit 1 only
Answer: Option B. -> circuit 2 and circuit 3 

In circuit 1, N is connected with N, which is not a series combination of p-n junction. In circuit 2, each p-n junction is forward biased, hence same current flows, giving same potential difference across p-n junction. In circuit 2, each p-n junction is reverse biased; same leakage current will flow, giving equal potential difference across each p-n junction diode.

Question 7.

A sinusoidal voltage of peak value 200 volt is connected to a diode and resistor R in the circuit figure, so that halfwave rectification occurs. If the forward resistance of the diode is negligible compared to R, the RMS voltage (in volt) across R is approximately  
A Sinusoidal Voltage Of Peak Value 200 Volt Is Connected To ...

  1.     200
  2.     100
  3.     2002
  4.     280
Answer: Option C. -> 2002

If half wave rectifier the output voltage is the RMS voltage

Question 8.

The average value of output direct current in a half wave rectifier is

  1.     I0π
  2.     I02
  3.     πI02
  4.     2I0π
Answer: Option A. -> I0π

The average value of output direct current in a half wave rectifier is

            =(average value of current over a cycle)2

            = (2 I0π)2 = I0π

Question 9.

In the half wave rectifier circuit operating from 50 Hz mains frequency, the fundamental frequency in the ripple would be

  1.     25 Hz
  2.     50 Hz 
  3.     70.7 Hz
  4.     100 Hz
Answer: Option B. -> 50 Hz 

In half wave rectifier, we get the output only in one half cycle of input AC therefore, the frequency of the ripple of the output is same as that of input AC ie, 50 Hz.

Question 10.

The value of current in the following diagram will be
 The Value Of Current In The Following Diagram Will Be 

  1.     zero
  2.     102 A
  3.     10 A  
  4.     0.025 A
Answer: Option B. -> 102 A

Here p-n junction as forward biased with voltage
= 5 - 3 = 2 V.
Current I=2200=1100=102 A