Polity Misc - 19(Ias > Polity > Polity Assessments ) Questions and Answers

Question 1.

In terms of the
opinion of the nine-judge bench of the Supreme Court, the Chief Justice of
India can recommend transfer of judges of High Courts

  1.     In his discretion
  2.     In consultation with two senior-most judges of Supreme Court
  3.     In consultation with the Chief Justices of the concerned High Courts viz. The High Court from which transfer is to be effected as well as the High Court to which transfer is to be made
  4.     in consultation with four senior most judges of the Supreme Court as well as the Chief Justices of High Courts from which transfer is to be effected as well as the high court to which transfer is to be effected
Answer: Option D. -> in consultation with four senior most judges of the Supreme Court as well as the Chief Justices of High Courts from which transfer is to be effected as well as the high court to which transfer is to be effected

Question 2.

The 73rd and 74th
amendments of the constitution relating to Panchayati Raj and municipalities

  1.     Came into force soon after their passage in the Parliament
  2.     Came into force only after these were ratified by the requisite number of states
  3.     Came into force after these were cleared by the Supreme Court of India
  4.     None of the above
Answer: Option B. -> Came into force only after these were ratified by the requisite number of states

Question 3.

A Joint Public
Service Commission for two or more states

  1.     Cannot be constituted under any circumstances
  2.     Can be constituted by the Parliament on its own
  3.     Can be constituted by the Parliament after a resolution to this effect is passed by the legislatures of the concerned states
  4.     Can be constituted by the President on the recommendation of the chairmen of the concerned state public service commission
Answer: Option C. -> Can be constituted by the Parliament after a resolution to this effect is passed by the legislatures of the concerned states

Question 4.

In the
Keshavananda Bharati case the Supreme Court

  1.     Deprived the Parliament of its right to amend the fundamental rights
  2.     Restored to the Parliament the right to amend the fundamental rights as it pleased
  3.     Upheld the right of Parliament to amend any part of the constitution (including part III dealing with fundamental rights) except the basic structure of the constitution
  4.     Did none of the above
Answer: Option C. -> Upheld the right of Parliament to amend any part of the constitution (including part III dealing with fundamental rights) except the basic structure of the constitution

Question 5.

The qualifications
of the chairman and other members of the finance commission

  1.     Have been laid down in the constitution
  2.     Are determined by the President
  3.     Are determined by the Parliament
  4.     Are determined by the President in consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India
Answer: Option C. -> Are determined by the Parliament

Question 6.

The Lok Sabha and
the Rajya Sabha have co-equal powers in

  1.     Legislative powers
  2.     Financial powers
  3.     Control over executive
  4.     Amending powers
Answer: Option D. -> Amending powers

Question 7.

In which of the
following cases did the Supreme Court hold that a constituent assembly be
convened to amend the fundamental rights?

  1.     Golak Nath case
  2.     Minerva Mills case
  3.     Keshavananda Bharati case
  4.     None of the above
Answer: Option A. -> Golak Nath case

Question 8.

Which of the
following is not constituted by the President?

  1.     The Finance Commission
  2.     The Planning Commission
  3.     The Commission on Official Languages
  4.     The Union Public Service Commission
Answer: Option B. -> The Planning Commission

Question 9.

With regard to
appointment of judges of Supreme Court, the nine judge bench of the Supreme
Court recommended that the Chief Justice of India

  1.     Can recommend names for appointment in his discretion
  2.     Can recommend names only in consultation with four senior-most judges of the Supreme Court
  3.     Can recommend names in consultation with any four judges of the Supreme Court
  4.     Can recommend names in consultation with two senior-most judges of the Supreme Court
Answer: Option B. -> Can recommend names only in consultation with four senior-most judges of the Supreme Court