Sound(11th And 12th > Physics ) Questions and Answers

Question 1.

A man is watching two trains, one leaving and the other coming in with equal speed of 4 m/s. If they sound their whistles, each of frequency 240 Hz, the number of beats heard by the man (velocity of sound in air is 320 m/s) will be equal to

  1.     6
  2.     3
  3.     0
  4.     12
Answer: Option A. -> 6
Apparent frequency due to train which is coming in is
Apparent frequency due to train which is leaving is
So the number of beats is

Question 2.

The intensity of a sound wave gets reduced by 20% on passing through a slab. The reduction in intensity on passage through two such consecutive slabs is

  1.     40%
  2.     36%
  3.     30%
  4.     50%
Answer: Option B. -> 36%
Intensity after passing through one slab
So, intensity after passing through two slabs

Question 3.

Two sources A and B are sounding notes of frequency 680 Hz. A listener moves from A to B with a constant velocity u. If the speed of sound is 340 m/s, what must be the value of u so that he hears
10 beats per second?

  1.     2.0 m/s
  2.     2.5 m/s
  3.     30 m/s
  4.     3.5 m/s
Answer: Option B. -> 2.5 m/s
Apparent frequency due to source A is
Apparent frequency due to source B is

Question 4.

Two factories are sounding their sirens at 800 Hz. A man goes from one factory to the other at a speed of 2 m/s. The velocity of sound is 320 m/s. The number of beats heard by the person in 1 s will be

  1.     2
  2.     4
  3.     8
  4.     10
Answer: Option D. -> 10
When the man is approaching the factory,
When the man is going away from the factory,

Question 5.

One train is approaching an observer at rest and another train is receding from him with the same velocity 4 m/s. Both the trains blow whistles of same frequency of 243 Hz. The beat frequency in Hz as heard by the observer is (speed of sound in air is 320 m/s)

  1.     10
  2.     6
  3.     4
  4.     1
Answer: Option B. -> 6
When the train is approaching,
When the train is receding,
Beat frequency is

Question 6.

A train has just completed a U-curve in a track which is a semi-circle. The engine is at the forward end of the semi-circular part of the track while the last carriage is at the rear end of the semi-circular track. The driver blows a whistle of frequency 200 Hz. Velocity of sound is 340 m/s. Then the apparent frequency as observed by a passenger in the middle of the train, when the speed of the train is 30 m/s, is

  1.     219 Hz
  2.     188 Hz
  3.     200 Hz
  4.     181 Hz
Answer: Option C. -> 200 Hz
The Doppler formula holds for non-collinear motion if vs and v0 are taken to be the resolved component along the line of slight, In this case, we have
A Train Has Just Completed A U-curve In A Track Which Is A S...
We have, v = 340 m/s, n = 200 Hz. The apparent frequency n’ is given by

Question 7.

Two sound sources are moving in opposite directions with velocities v1 and v2(v1>v2). Both are moving away from a stationary observer. The frequency of both the sources is 900 Hz. What is the value of v1v2 so that the beat frequency observed by the observer is 6 Hz? Speed of sound v = 300 m/s. Given that v1 and v2 ≪ v.

  1.     1 m/s
  2.     2 m/s
  3.     3 m/s
  4.     4 m/s
Answer: Option B. -> 2 m/s
f2=900(300300+v2)=9003v2f2f1=63(v1v2)=63(v1v2)=6or v1v2=2m/s

Question 8.

An engine running at speed v/10 sounds a whistle of frequency 600 Hz. A passenger in a train coming from the opposite side at speed v/15 experiences this whistle to be of frequency f. If v is speed of sound in air and there is no wind, f is nearest to

  1.     711 Hz
  2.     630 Hz
  3.     580 Hz
  4.     510 Hz
Answer: Option A. -> 711 Hz
As the source and the observer are approaching one another, so n’ would be larger.

Question 9.

A source of sound produces waves of wavelength 60 cm when it is stationary. If the speed of sound in air is 320 m/s and source moves with speed 20 m/s, the wavelength of sound in the forward direction will be approximately:

  1.     56.2 cm
  2.     60.8 cm
  3.     64.4 cm
  4.     68.6 cm
Answer: Option A. -> 56.2 cm
Apparent frequency is given by:
For a medium, frequency is inversely proportional to wavelength.
λ=56.25 cm

Question 10.

The apparent frequency of the whistle of an engine changes in the ratio of 6:5 as the engine passes a stationary observer. If the velocity of sound is 330 m/s, then the velocity of the engine is

  1.     3 m/s
  2.     30 m/s
  3.     0.33 m/s
  4.     660 m/s
Answer: Option B. -> 30 m/s
v=vvvsv, v"=vv+vsvvv′′=v+vzvvs or 65=330+v330v11vs=330  vs=30 m/s