Statement & Assumptions(Reasoning Aptitude > Verbal Reasoning ) Questions and Answers

Question 1.

Directions: In each of the questions below, is given a statement followed by three assumptions numbered I, II and III. An assumption is something supposed or taken for granted, you have to consider the statement and the assumptions and decide which of the assumption(s) is/are implicit in the statement.

  • Statement:

  • "Smoking is injurious to health', A warning printed on the cigarette packets.

  • Assumptions:

  • I. People read printed matter on a cigarette packet.

  • II. People take careful note of a warning.

  • III. Non-smoking promotes health.

  1.    Only I is implicit
  2.    I and II are implicit
  3.    Only II is implicit
  4.    All are implicit
Answer: Option C. -> Only II is implicit
Answer: (c)
There is a special warning in printed form to caution people against the ill effects of smoking.
Hence, Assumption II is implicit but I is not.
Further, 'smoking is injurious to health’ does not mean non-smoking promotes health.
Therefore, Assumption III has no connection with the given statement.
Hence, Assumption III is not implicit.

Question 2.

Directions: In each of the questions below, is given a statement followed by three assumptions numbered, I, II and III. An assumption is something supposed or taken for granted, you have to consider the statement and the assumptions and decide which of the assumption(s) is/are implicit in the statement.

  • Statement:

  • The company has recently announced a series of incentives to the employees who are punctual and sincere.

  • Assumptions:

  • I. Those who are not punctual at present may get motivated by the announcement.

  • II. The productivity of the company may increase.

  • III. The profit earned by the company may be more than the amount to be spent on incentive programmes.

  1.    None is implicit
  2.    All are implicit
  3.    II and III are implicit
  4.    I and II are implicit
Answer: Option D. -> I and II are implicit
Answer: (d)
Incentives for the punctuality and sincerity will work as a motivating force.
This will definitely increase the productivity of the company.
However, profitability cannot be predicted definitely as it depends on other factors.

Question 3.

Directions: In each of the questions below, is given a statement followed by three assumptions numbered, I, II and III. An assumption is something supposed or taken for granted, you have to consider the statement and the assumptions and decide which of the assumption(s) is/are implicit in the statement.

  • Statement:

  • "Buy pure and natural honey of company 'X', an advertisement in a newspaper. 

  • Assumptions:

  • I. Artificial honey can be prepared.

  • II. People do not mind paying more for pure honey.

  • III. No other company supplies pure honey.

  1.    Only I is implicit
  2.    I and II are implicit
  3.    I and III are implicit
  4.    All are implicit
Answer: Option A. -> Only I is implicit
Answer: (a)
The word 'natural' has been mentioned in the statement and that part of the statement is 'natural and pure honey'. It does mean that artificial honey can be made.
Hence, Assumption I is implicit.
Assumption II is not implicit as no comparison is made of the prices of natural and artificial honey.
Assumption III is again invalid as it has no relation with the given statement.

Question 4.

Directions: In each of the questions below, is given a statement followed by three assumptions numbered, I, II and III. An assumption is something supposed or taken for granted, you have to consider the statement and the assumptions and decide which of the assumption(s) is/are implicit in the statement.

  • Statement:

  • The municipal corporation has given permission for holding funfairs in the local football ground during the holiday season.

  • Assumptions:

  • I. The local residents may protest against the corporation's decision.

  • II. Many people may not participate in the funfair.

  • III. Only children are allowed to take part in the funfair.

  1.    None is implicit
  2.    All are implicit
  3.    Only III is implicit
  4.    I and II are implicit
Answer: Option A. -> None is implicit
Answer: (a)
The step taken by the municipal corporation aims at providing good entertainment for local residents during the holidays.
No doubts, the municipal corporation must be assuming that local residents will take part in it to enjoy.
Assumptions! and II go against this assumption and hence they are not valid.
Assumption III is also not implicit because of the word 'only'.

Question 5.

Directions: In each of the questions below, is given a statement followed by three assumptions numbered I, II and III. An assumption is something supposed or taken for granted, you have to consider the statement and the assumptions and decide which of the assumption(s) is/are implicit in the statement.

  • Statement:

  • The company has decided to increase the price of all its products to tackle the precarious financial position.

  • Assumptions:

  • I. The company may be able to wipe out the entire losses incurred earlier by this decision.

  • II. The buyer may continue to buy its products even after the increase.

  • III. The company has adequate resources to continue production for a few more months.

  1.    None is implicit
  2.    II and III are implicit
  3.    I and III are implicit
  4.    Only II is implicit
Answer: Option A. -> None is implicit
Answer: (a)
None of the assumptions is implicit in the statement.
The assumption I is not implicit because the word 'entire' makes the assumption doubtful.
Assumption II is not implicit because neither we know the quality of the product nor the market for this product.
Assumption III is not implicit because we cannot say anything about the number of resources of the company.

Question 6.

Directions: In each question below is given a statement followed by three Assumptions I, II and III. An assumption is something supposed or taken for granted. You have to consider the statement and the following assumption(s) is/are implicit in the statement.

  • Statement:

  • The police authority cordoned off the entire locality for the entire day and stopped all vehicular movement for the visit of a top functionary of the government in view of the threat perception and advised all the residents in the area to limit their movement outside their dwellings.

  • which of the following assumption(s) is/are implicit in the above statement?

  • Assumptions:

  • I. The police personnel may not be able to control the vehicular movement in the locality and may seek help from the armed forces.

  • II. People living in the locality may move out of their houses for the day to avoid inconvenience.

  • III. The Government functionary may request the police authority to lift the ban on the movement of residents of the locality outside their dwellings.

  1.    None is implicit
  2.    Only I is implicit
  3.    Only II is implicit
  4.    Only III is implicit
  5.    II and III are implicit
Answer: Option A. -> None is implicit
Answer: (a)
All the given assumptions are contrary to the given statement and hence, they all are invalid.

Question 7.

Directions: In each question below is given a statement followed by three Assumptions I, II and III. An assumption is something supposed or taken for granted. You have to consider the statement and the following assumption(s) is/are implicit in the statement.

  • Statement:

  • The apex body controlling universities in the country has decided to revise the syllabus of all the technical courses to make them focused towards the present needs of the industry, thereby making the technical graduates more employable than they are at present.

  • Which of the following assumption(s) is/are implicit in the above statement?

  • Assumptions:

  • I. Technical college affiliated to different universities may not welcome the apex body's decision and may continue with the same syllabus as at present.

  • II. The industry may welcome the decision of the apex body and scale up their hiring from these colleges.

  • III. The Government may not allow the apex body to implement its decision in all the colleges as it may lead to chaos.

  1.    None is implicit
  2.    Only I is implicit
  3.    Only II is implicit
  4.    Only III is implicit
  5.    II and III are implicit
Answer: Option C. -> Only II is implicit
Answer: (c)
Assumption II is implicit because whenever such a decision is taken, the assumptions are that it would be welcomed and allowed to implement.
Assumptions I and III will be invalid for the same reason.

Question 8.

Directions: In each question below is given a statement followed by three Assumptions I, II and III. An assumption is something supposed or taken for granted. You have to consider the statement and the following assumption(s) is/are implicit in the statement.

  • Statement:

  • The Government has decided to auction construction of highways to private entities in several blocks across the country on a build-operate-transfer basis.

  • Which of the following assumption (s) is/are implicit in the above statement?

  • Assumptions:

  • I. An adequate number of private entities may not respond to the Government's auction notification.

  • II. Many private entities in the country are capable of constructing highways within a reasonable time.

  • III. The Government's proposal of build-operate-transfer may financially benefit the private entities.

  1.    I and II are implicit
  2.    II and III are implicit
  3.    Only II is implicit
  4.    I and III are implicit
  5.    None of the above
Answer: Option B. -> II and III are implicit
Answer: (b)
The decision to auction assumes a response to it.
Hence, Assumption I is not implicit.
Assumption II is implicit as unless the private entities are capable, the decision would make no sense.
Further, without financial benefit, private entities would not turn up for the auction.
Hence, Assumption III is implicit.

Question 9.

Directions: In each question below is given a statement followed by three Assumptions I, II and III. An assumption is something supposed or taken for granted. You have to consider the statement and the following assumption(s) is/are implicit in the statement.

  • Statement:

  • The airlines have requested all their bonafide passengers to check the status of flight operations before leaving their homes as the heavy fog is causing immense problems to normal flight operations.

  • Which of the following assumption(s) is/are implicit in the above statement?

  • Assumptions:

  • I. Majority of the air passengers may check the flights status before starting their journey to the airport.

  • II. The Government may take serious objection to the notice issued by the airline company.

  • III. Majority of the passengers may cancel their tickets and postpone their journey till the situation become normal.

  1.    None is implicit
  2.    Only I is implicit
  3.    Only II is implicit
  4.    Only III is implicit
  5.    I and III are implicit
Answer: Option B. -> Only I is implicit
Answer: (b)
To make the request meaningful I must be a valid assumption.
Hence, Assumption I is implicit. In the case of II, the Government is out of the picture.
Hence, Assumption II is not implicit.
Assumption III also invalid as the case may be only of delay, not of cancellation of the flight.

Question 10.

Directions: In each question below is given a statement followed by three Assumptions I, II and III. An assumption is something supposed or taken for granted. You have to consider the statement and the following assumption(s) is/are implicit in the statement.

  • Statement:

  • Government has urged all the citizens to use electronic media for carrying out their daily activities, whenever possible, instead of using paper as the manufacture of paper requires the cutting down of a large number of trees causing severe damage to the ecosystem.

  • Which of the following assumption(s) is/are implicit in the above statement? 

  • Assumptions:

  • I. Most people may be capable of using electronic media to carry out various routines.

  • II. Most people may have access to electronic media for carrying out their daily routine activities.

  • III. People at large may reject the Government's appeal and continue using paper as before.

  1.    Only I is implicit
  2.    Only II is implicit
  3.    I and II are implicit
  4.    Only III is implicit
  5.    None of the above
Answer: Option C. -> I and II are implicit
Answer: (c)
It is clear from the given statement that the urging of the Government makes sense only when Assumptions I and II are implicit.