Clocks(Reasoning Aptitude > Verbal Reasoning ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. When the minute hand covers a distance of 1 hr 30 min, then what is theangular distance covered by it ?
  1.    $$310^{\tiny 0}$$
  2.    $$192^{\tiny 0}$$
  3.    $$480^{\tiny 0}$$
  4.    $$540^{\tiny 0}$$
Answer: Option D. -> $$540^{\tiny 0}$$

Question 2. What is the angle traced by minute hand in 20 min ?
  1.    $$45^{\tiny 0}$$
  2.    $$60^{\tiny 0}$$
  3.    $$90^{\tiny 0}$$
  4.    $$120^{\tiny 0}$$
Answer: Option D. -> $$120^{\tiny 0}$$

Question 3. How many time the hands of a clock coincide in a day ?
  1.    24
  2.    22
  3.    21
  4.    20
Answer: Option B. -> 22

Question 4. How many times in 24 hr the hands of a clock are straight ?
  1.    48
  2.    44
  3.    24
  4.    22
Answer: Option D. -> 22

Question 5. What will be angle between the two hands of a clock when the clock time is 4 : 20 ?
  1.    $$20^{\tiny 0}$$
  2.    $$30^{\tiny 0}$$
  3.    $$10^{\tiny 0}$$
  4.    $$45^{\tiny 0}$$
Answer: Option C. -> $$10^{\tiny 0}$$

Question 6. A clock becomes 12 s fast in every 3 h. If it is made correct at 3 O' clock in the afternoon of Sunday, then what time will it show at 10 O' clock Tuesday morning?
  1.    2 min 52 s past 10
  2.    2 min 54 s past 10
  3.    2 min 50 s past 10
  4.    2 min 48 s past 20
Answer: Option A. -> 2 min 52 s past 10
Answer: (a)
Total time from 3 O' clock Sunday afternoon to 10 O' clock Tuesdy morning = 43 h
Total increased time = 12/3 × 43 = 172s = 2 min 52s
Therefore, Time at 10 O' clock Tuesday morning = 2 min 52 s past 10

Question 7. A clock is set right at 5 am. The clock loses 16 min in 24 h. What will be the right time when the clock indicates 10 pm on the 3rd day?
  1.    11 : 15 pm
  2.    11 pm
  3.    12  pm
  4.    12 : 30 pm
Answer: Option B. -> 11 pm
Answer: (b)
Time from 5 am of a particular day to 10 pm on the 3rd day is 89 h.
Now, the clock loses 16 min in 24 h or in other words,
we can say that 23 h 44 min of this clock is equal to 24 h of the correct clock.
$(23 + 44/60) = 356/15$ h of this clock = 24h of the correct clock
Therefore, 89 h of this clock = $(24 × 15 / 356 × 89) h$
the correct clock = 90 h of the correct clock or 89 h of this clock = 90 h of the correct clock.
Therefore, it is clear that in 90 h this clock loses 1 h and hence, the correct time is 11 pm when this clock shows 10 pm.

Question 8. A watch, which gains uniformly is 2 min slow at noon on Monday and is 4 min, 48s fast at 2 pm on the following Monday. At what time it was correct?
  1.    2 pm on Tuesday
  2.    2 pm on Wednesday
  3.    3 pm on Thursday
  4.    1 pm on Friday
  5.    None of these
Answer: Option B. -> 2 pm on Wednesday
Answer: (b)
Time from Monday noon (12 pm) to 2 pm the following Monday = 7 days 2 h = 170 h
Now, the watch gains (2 + 4 4/5) min from Monday (12 pm) to 2 pm,
the following Monday. In other words, the watch gains 34/5 min in 170 h.
Therefore, it will gain 2 min in (170 × 5/34 × 2) = 50 h = 2 days 2 h
Therefore, the watch is correct after 2 days 2 h from Monday noon or at 2 pm Wednesday.

Question 9. Two clocks are set correctly at 10 am on Sunday. One clock loses 3 min in an hour while the other gains 2 min in an hour. By how many minutes do the two clocks differ at 4 pm on the same day ?
  1.    25 min
  2.    20 min
  3.    35 min
  4.    30 min
Answer: Option B. -> 20 min
Answer: (b)
Clearly, Raveena left home 10 min before 8 : 40 am i.e., at 8 : 30 am
but it was 15 min earlier than usual,
so she usually leaves for the stop at ( 8 : 30 + 0 : 15 ) = 8  : 45 am.

Question 10. A clock, which loses uniformly, is 15 min fast at 9 am on 3rd of the December and is 25 min less than the correct time at 3 pm on 6th of the same month. At what time it was correct?
  1.    2 : 15 am on 3rd
  2.    2 : 15pm on 4th
  3.    2 : 15 pm on 3rd
  4.    2 : 15 am on 4th
Answer: Option C. -> 2 : 15 pm on 3rd
Answer: (c)
Time of the last train leaving the station = (18 : 00 - 2 : 30)h = 15 : 30h
But this happens 40 min before the announcement is made.
Hence, Time of making announcement = (15 : 30 + 0 : 40) = 16 : 10h