Instrumentation And Control(Engineering > Mechanical Engineering ) Questions and Answers

Question 1.  A device for determining the value or magnitude of a quantity or variable :
  1.    Sensor
  2.    Transducer
  3.    Gauge
  4.    Instrument
Answer: Option D. -> Instrument

Question 2.  Errors due to assignable causes are called
  1.    Static errors
  2.    Systematic errors
  3.    Calibration errors
  4.    Random errors
Answer: Option B. -> Systematic errors

Question 3.  Determining moisture in steam by measuring the temperature in a throttling calorimeter is an example of :
  1.    Direct measurement
  2.    Indirect measurement
  3.    Measurement by comparison
  4.    Measurement by calibration
Answer: Option B. -> Indirect measurement

Question 4.  The closeness with which the reading of an instrument approaches the true value of thevariable being measured is called :
  1.    Accuracy
  2.    Precision
  3.    Sensitivity
  4.    Resolution
Answer: Option A. -> Accuracy

Question 5.  Pick up the appropriate word for a pointer moving over a scale :
  1.    Instrument
  2.    Indicator
  3.    Transducer
  4.    Gauge
Answer: Option B. -> Indicator

Question 6.  Pick up the appropriate word for the reading displayed as a number, a series of holes on a punched card, or a sequence of pulses on magnetic tape :
  1.    Pulse train
  2.    Digital
  3.    Analog
  4.    Numeral
Answer: Option B. -> Digital

Question 7.  Pick up the appropriate word for a reading obtained from the motion of a pointer on a scale :
  1.    Analog
  2.    Digital
  3.    Display
  4.    Indicator (e) instrument.
Answer: Option A. -> Analog

Question 8.  The condition of how much successive readings differ from one another for a fixed value of the variable is called :
  1.    Accuracy
  2.    Precision.
  3.    Sensitivity
  4.    Resolution
Answer: Option B. -> Precision.

Question 9.  For studying detailed variations with time, one uses :
  1.    Indicator
  2.    Digital indicator
  3.    Recorder
  4.    Integrator
Answer: Option C. -> Recorder

Question 10. . It responds directly to the measured quantity, producing a related motion or signal :
  1.    Sensing element
  2.    Transducer
  3.    Transmitter
  4.    Indicator
Answer: Option A. -> Sensing element