Dc Motors(Engineering > Electrical Engineering ) Questions and Answers

Question 1.  The efficiency of a d.c. shunt generator is maximum when the
  1.    magnetic losses are equal to the mechanical losses
  2.    field copper losses are equal to the constant losses
  3.    stray losses are equal to the copper losses
  4.    armature copper losses are equal to constant losses.
Answer: Option D. -> armature copper losses are equal to constant losses.

Question 2.  A DC generator can be termed as a
  1.    rotating amplifier
  2.    prime mover
  3.    power pump
  4.    none of the above
Answer: Option A. -> rotating amplifier

Question 3.  A DC generator generates
  1.    DC voltage
  2.    AC voltage
  3.    DC and ac voltage
  4.    pulsating DC
Answer: Option B. -> AC voltage

Question 4.  The essential condition for stable parallel operation of two dc generators having similar characteristics is that they should have
  1.    same kilowatt output ratings
  2.    drooping voltage characteristics
  3.    same percentage regulation
  4.    same no-load and full-load speeds
Answer: Option B. -> drooping voltage characteristics

Question 5.  In a dc generator, the brushes on the commutator are shifted from geometrical neutral positions to
  1.    obtain highest generator voltage
  2.    avoid sparking.
  3.    obtain highest generator efficiency
  4.    all the above
Answer: Option B. -> avoid sparking.

Question 6.  Which condition out of the five given below is not required for the build-up of a shunt generator?
  1.    there must be sufficient residual magnetism in the poles
  2.    for the given direction of rotation, shunt field coils should be corectly connected to the armature
  3.    if excited on open circuit, the shunt field resistance should be more than the critical resistance
  4.    armature speed should be more than the critical speed
Answer: Option D. -> armature speed should be more than the critical speed

Question 7.  A simplex lap-wound 10-pole dc generator has 800 armature conductors. If each pole face covers 75% of pitch, compensating conductors required per pole face are
  1.    80
  2.    6
  3.    (b) 60
  4.    8
Answer: Option C. -> (b) 60

Question 8.   If field resistance of a dc shunt generator is increased beyond its critical value, the generator
  1.    output voltage will exceed its nameplate rating
  2.    will not build up
  3.    may burn out if loaded to its nameplate rating
  4.    power output may exceed its nameplate rating
Answer: Option B. -> will not build up

Question 9.  The main factor which leads to unstable parallel operation of flat and overcom pound generators is
  1.    unequal number of turns in their series field windings
  2.    unequal series field resistances
  3.    their rising voltage characteristics
  4.    unequal speed regulation of their prime movers -
Answer: Option C. -> their rising voltage characteristics

Question 10. . If residual magnetism of a shunt generator is destroyed accidentally, it may be restored by connecting its shund field
  1.    to earth
  2.    to an alternator
  3.    in reverse
  4.    to a battery
Answer: Option D. -> to a battery