Application Software(Computer Aptitude ) Questions and Answers

Question 1.

To open a new file in MS Word, the shortcut key is

  1.    Ctrl + X
  2.    Ctrl + N
  3.    Ctrl + Y
  4.    Ctrl + \/
  5.    Ctrl + P
Answer: Option B. -> Ctrl + N

Question 2.

Which extension is given to Word document by default?

  1.    .ext
  2.    .com
  3.    .doc
  4.    All of these
  5.    None of these
Answer: Option C. -> .doc

Question 3.

Mark the most appropriate option statement.

  1.    Mail Merge can be used to print the form letters
  2.    Mail Merge can be used to print the form letters and mailing labels
  3.    Mail Merge can be used to print envelopes
  4.    All of the above
  5.    None of the above
Answer: Option D. -> All of the above

Question 4.

What is the term used for the word processing programs that show you directly on the PC screen the appearance of your final document as you might expect on the paper?

  1.    Search and Replace
  2.    Pagination
  3.    Soft Copy
  4.    WYSIWYG
  5.    None of these
Answer: Option D. -> WYSIWYG

Question 5.

Creating form letters using Mail Merge involves

  1.    creating the main document
  2.    creating the main document and data source
  3.    inserting merge fields in the main document and merging the main document with data source
  4.    ‘2’ and '3'
  5.    None of the above
Answer: Option D. -> ‘2’ and '3'

Question 6.

Which of the following gives the status of your document like page numbers, number of pages?

  1.    Status bar
  2.    Standard toolbar
  3.    Formatting toolbar
  4.    All of these
  5.    None of these
Answer: Option A. -> Status bar
The status bar is a user interface element found in most applications, including word processing programs such as Microsoft Word. It is typically located at the bottom of the program window and provides users with information about the document they are working on. The following are some of the features that can be displayed on the status bar of a word processing program:
Page numbers: The page number of the current page and the total number of pages in the document are often displayed on the status bar. This is useful for navigating through the document and keeping track of your progress.
Word count: The status bar can display the number of words in the document, which is useful for keeping track of the length of the document and meeting word count requirements.
Zoom level: The zoom level of the document can be displayed on the status bar, allowing you to see how much of the document is currently visible on the screen.
Language: If you are working with a multilingual document, the status bar can display the language of the text currently selected.
Document view: The status bar can indicate the current view of the document, such as "Print Layout" or "Web Layout".
Proofing errors: The status bar can display any proofing errors, such as spelling and grammar mistakes, that need to be corrected in the document.
The Standard toolbar and Formatting toolbar are user interface elements that contain icons for frequently used commands such as bold, italic, and underline. While they can be useful for formatting documents, they do not provide information about the status of the document like the Status bar does.
Therefore, the correct answer is Option A, Status bar.

Question 7.

Alignment buttons are available on which toolbar?

  1.    Status
  2.    Standard
  3.    Formatting
  4.    All of these
  5.    None of these
Answer: Option C. -> Formatting
Toolbars are graphical user interfaces that provide quick access to frequently used commands or functions. Different toolbars are available in software applications to perform various tasks. In the context of text formatting, alignment buttons are available on the Formatting toolbar in most software applications such as Microsoft Word, Google Docs, and LibreOffice Writer.
The Formatting toolbar contains various formatting options to modify the appearance of text and paragraphs. The alignment buttons are used to align text and other objects within a document. There are four types of alignment options available in most word processing software:
  • Left-align: Aligns text or objects to the left margin of the page.
  • Center-align: Aligns text or objects to the center of the page.
  • Right-align: Aligns text or objects to the right margin of the page.
  • Justify: Aligns text to both the left and right margins of the page, adding extra space between words as needed.
These alignment options are used to create a consistent and professional appearance in documents such as reports, letters, and resumes. Additionally, the formatting toolbar also includes other formatting options such as font style, size, bold, italic, and underline.
In conclusion, the correct answer to the given question is option C, Formatting, since the alignment buttons are available on the formatting toolbar in most word processing software.

Question 8.

Header is

  1.    any text printed at the top of every page
  2.    any graphics printed at the top of every page
  3.    any text or graphics printed at the top of a particular page
  4.    any text or graphics printed at the top of every page
  5.    None of the above
Answer: Option D. -> any text or graphics printed at the top of every page

Question 9.

This case converts first character of first word of selected sentence to capital

  1.    Sentence
  2.    upper
  3.    toggle
  4.    title
  5.    None of these
Answer: Option A. -> Sentence
In computer programming, the term "case" refers to the capitalization of letters in a word or sentence. There are several different case styles used in computer programming, including:
  • Sentence case: This style capitalizes only the first letter of the first word in a sentence, and leaves the rest of the words in lowercase. For example, "This is an example sentence."
  • Title case: This style capitalizes the first letter of each word in a sentence, except for certain smaller words, such as "the," "and," and "of." For example, "This Is an Example Sentence."
  • Upper case: This style capitalizes all the letters in a word or sentence. For example, "THIS IS AN EXAMPLE SENTENCE."
  • Lower case: This style leaves all the letters in a word or sentence in lowercase. For example, "this is an example sentence."
  • Toggle case: This style alternates the capitalization of letters in a word or sentence. For example, "ThIs Is aN ExAmPlE SeNtEnCe."
Based on the above definitions, it is clear that the option that converts only the first character of the first word of a selected sentence to capital is sentence case. This is because sentence case capitalizes only the first letter of the first word in a sentence, and leaves the rest of the words in lowercase.
Hence, the correct answer to the given question is option A, sentence.

Question 10.

Which of the following is not an option of edit menu?

  1.    Cut
  2.    Copy
  3.    Paste
  4.    Page setup
  5.    None of these
Answer: Option D. -> Page setup
The Edit menu is a common menu in many software applications, including word processors, graphics editors, and web browsers. This menu typically contains options related to modifying the text or other content in the document, such as copying, pasting, and cutting.
Let's look at each option and its definition to understand why D. Page setup is not an option of the Edit menu:
A. Cut: This option removes the selected text or item from the document and stores it in the clipboard for pasting later.
B. Copy: This option creates a duplicate of the selected text or item and stores it in the clipboard for pasting later.
C. Paste: This option inserts the content stored in the clipboard into the document at the current location of the cursor.
D. Page setup: This option is not an option of the Edit menu. It is typically found in the File menu or as a separate option in the toolbar. Page setup options allow users to configure the layout and appearance of the document, such as page size, margins, and orientation.
E. None of these: This option is not a valid answer as there is at least one option that is not part of the Edit menu, which is D. Page setup.
In conclusion, the correct answer is D. Page setup, as it is not an option of the Edit menu. The Edit menu typically contains options related to modifying the text or other content in the document, such as copying, pasting, and cutting. Page setup options, on the other hand, allow users to configure the layout and appearance of the document.