Aromaticity(General Knowledge > General Science ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. Select the incorrect statement
  1.    A resonance may sometimes cause sp3 atoms to become sp2 hybridized
  2.    Delocalizing one lone pair causes aromaticity
  3.    One lone pair will be counted as two pi electrons according to Hickel's equation
  4.    Two sigma bonds make up a double bond
Answer: Option D. -> Two sigma bonds make up a double bond

Question 2. Select the correct statement regarding the aromatic nitrogen molecule
  1.    It is sp hybridized
  2.    It is not hybridized
  3.    It is sp2 hybridized
  4.    It is sp3 hybridized
Answer: Option C. -> It is sp2 hybridized

Question 3. Aromatic rings do not have resonance structures
  1.    False
  2.    True
Answer: Option A. -> False

Question 4. Stability sequence: primary carbocation > secondary carbocation > tertiary carbocation
  1.    Yes
  2.    No
Answer: Option B. -> No

Question 5. Which of the following is the reactive species in the nitration of benzene?
  1.    NO2–
  2.    NO2+
  3.    NO3
  4.    HNO3
Answer: Option A. -> NO2–

Question 6. The number of delocalised 𝞹 electrons in the benzene ring are
  1.    2
  2.    4
  3.    6
  4.    8
Answer: Option C. -> 6

Question 7. Which of the following statements is not correct regarding aromatic compounds?
  1.    aromatic compounds are planar
  2.    aromatic compounds have 4n -electrons
  3.    aromatic compounds are cyclic
  4.    aromatic compounds are generally less reactive than similarly substituted alkenes
Answer: Option B. -> aromatic compounds have 4n -electrons

Question 8. Which of the following statements is true for benzene?
  1.    Two types of C-C bonds are present in benzene
  2.    Benzene easily undergoes addition due to unsaturation
  3.    𝞹-electrons are delocalised in the benzene ring
  4.    Three isomeric forms are formed on monosubstitution of benzene
Answer: Option C. -> 𝞹-electrons are delocalised in the benzene ring

Question 9. Which of the following is not a characteristic property of arenes?
  1.    Resonance
  2.    Greater stability
  3.    Electroscopic additions
  4.    Delocalisation of 𝞹-electrons
Answer: Option C. -> Electroscopic additions

Question 10. Which of the following is an incorrect description of benzene?
  1.    The molecule is planar.
  2.    The molecule is aromatic.
  3.    The molecule is a 6-membered ring which contains alternating single and double carbon-carbon bonds.
  4.    The CCC bond angles are all equal to 120°.
Answer: Option C. -> The molecule is a 6-membered ring which contains alternating single and double carbon-carbon bonds.